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Welcome to Frippworls server

Get the l2.ini file here
Here we have SOME PICS from the gameserver :P

Thank you for visiting our Lineage II page.

The server started 2004-11-07.

We are working with getting up the forums so this homepage is all we have right now.

The server is based in sweden, Stockholm with a p4 2ghz 768mb ddr 80gb hdd with Telia 2000 10MBit. We only let 100 ppl in at the same time.

we use this current rate

EXP: 15X SP: 15X

Adena: 20X Drop: 20X

Want to be a GM? the first person that reach lvl 80 is getting a GM title!

We punish cheating very severly with IPban, Cheating destroys the gamingexperience and the fun of it... why can't you cheaters get that in your thick skull?

You don't need to register on the hompage, just write in your desired username and password when you log in at L2.

We have the npcs up and running but its still alot of programming to do, we haven't tested many skills but we belive that all skills works, except the dwarfmaking skill... we only have a couple of makingskills working but we are working on it.

We hope that the dropdestroyer is going to work very soon, it will destroy drops that havent been picked up after 30 sec. Drops that haven't been picked up is making the server lag.

So please take all drops even if you dont want it!^^

We will have the same prices that they have:


B grade 2x

A grade 3X

S grade 4x

The main coding is by Zbuffer and datapack by LittleVexy, but of course have we done alot of our own programming.

Now when we had that taken care of, please enjoy our server and Email us with tips, complaints, Bugreports npcs that doesn't work, skills that doesn't work or anything else you want to us to know. Email us at :
