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Military Rankings

Welcome to the Militia of the Free Trade Cities. We are organized unlike our counterpart around the continent to a true military structure. No matter where you have come from, you start of as a mere recruit here. Nobility and titles mean little to the men in our ranks. The pursuit of excellence is all that matters to us, and to further that pursuit the discipline amongst the ranks and the understanding of the Military ranking structure.

Military ranking is structured completely on ones skills in both combat and leading men on the field of battle inappropriate actions off the field can remove a rank or more, but cannot help one gain ranks. Tests are required for most ranks, to be issued when a member applies for the new rank with the consent of a superior.

All Ranks are further designated by their closeness to achiving the next rank. This designation is the soldier's "Class".

Easy identifiers are also listed so that orders can be given and carried out effectively.

Recruit This is the starting rank of a military member of the Free Trade Cities. This rank requires nothing more then showing up for ones first practice. The designation First through Fourth Class are achivable by this rank. A recruit is most easily designated by the loaner or "spud" garb, the stock FTC weapons, the unsurity of most Dagorhir rules, and if First Class or above a plain purple ranking sash somewhere on the left side.
Private The heart and soul of the FTC army. A recruit must aquire suitable newbie - or better - garb, and at least one personal weapon through building purchase or some other manner, must attend at least three events attending at least 80% of the battles under the banner of the Free Trade Cities, and must pass an oral test on the rules of Dagorhir. First through Fourth Classes are achievable by this rank. A Private is quickly identifiable by a single golden horizontal stripe on his ranking sash.
Corporal A rank above the Private. A soldier achiving the rank of Corporal has shown an intimate knowledge of a red weapon or a blue weapon in combat by using it often and effectively, has defeated at least two privates in single combat with a particular combination of weaponry, and can hold his own defense against a corporal on full on attack for a signifigant time with the weapons combination of his choice. Classes attainable by this rank are First through Fifth. A corporal is identifiable by a double golden horizontal stripe on his ranking sash.
Sergeant A Sergeant is the lowest rank capable of holding a command, of a half-toon. A Sergeant must be able to pass two of the four blue weapons tests, pass one of the green weapons tests, one of the red weapons tests, and show a tendancy to one of the armies. A sergeant is identifiable by a triple golden horizontal stripe on his ranking sash.
Master Sergeant A Master Sergeant is a solidly capable fighter able to be used for specific tasks. A Master Sergeant must have passed one more of the blue weapons tests, two of the airborne weapons tests, and at least one of the shield tests. A Master Sergeant is identifiable by a golden star over triple golden stripes on his ranking sash.
1st Lieutenant A 1st Lieutenant the first rank capable of commanding a full toon and the first rank considered an officer. A 1st Lieutenant must have passed - in addition to the previous tests - one of the green weapons tests, another one of the red weapons tests, another one of the shield tests, as well as a test that will be given when the others are passed. A 1st Lieutenant is identifiable by a bar pin somewhere on their left side.

The officer ranks are achieved in a different way then enlisted ranks, so will not be listed here.