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Fight Information
(Spar,MS, DM ect.)




Note: These are guidelines. Terms are entirely up to proctor of a match.




No SiD, No Enhancers, No Healing


HP set: 200, Enhancers Optional, Rezz Optional

NOTE: For ALL spars - If you use set dice, the set dice can be NO HIGHER then the HD of the spar. Example... If Player1 Has 4d70 and player Two has 4d90, you could use any set dice from d20 to d90, but no higher then d90.


DM/MDM Format:

  1. Start log
  2. Announce DM participants.
  3. Announce proctor Reg. #
  4. Announce Terms
  5. State dice
  6. Roll Init.
  7. State Witnesses
  8. Commence DM.
  9. End log

SM Format:

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce SM Participants
  3. Announce proctor Reg. #
  4. Announce Terms
  5. Announce Slavery Time
  6. State dice
  7. Roll Init.
  8. Commence SM.
  9. End log

HM Format:

  1. Start log,
  2. Announce HM Participants
  3. Announce proctor Reg. #
  4. Announce Terms
  5. Announce Reason for HM
  6. Announce Condition of Win(If applicable)
  7. State dice
  8. Roll Init.
  9. Commence HM.
  10. End Log


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Assasination Attempts

Note: Assassian dice will be 2d of your guild dice.
For example... if you had 4d87 your Assassin dice would be 2d87.
Also, please note the changes in the precept and HTK charts.

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce AA attempt, AA Reg#, Contract #, Date and time
  3. State Assasin Dice.
  4. Announce BG has 5 min to state.
  5. State BG(s) dice for log
  6. BG Roll Precept, interpreted via Precept chart.
  7. If Precept Fails, continue with the AA
  8. If Precept suceeds, AA Target is now changed to BG - Target can NOT be AA at this time.
    Continue on with the AA as if the BG was the target.
  9. Announce Target has 5 min to state
  10. State Target Dice
  11. Target Roll Precept, interpreted via precept chart.
  12. Assasin rolls AA, interpreted by Hits to Kill Chart.
  13. If sucessfull, and IF PRECEPT SUCESSFULL, target rolls 2d dodge. Highest single roll result(Not damage or total), wins.
    (Example: Assasin rolls 42,50 and target rolls 30, 52. The target is the winner. Highest roll from the assasin was 50... highest roll from target was 52.)
  14. If AA sucessfull and precept not sucessfull, target is dead, pending forum validation.
  15. If AA completly sucessful Announce 48 hours to obtain legal FotWM Rezz. Announce "Target is protected from Assassin # [ Your reg Number here ] for 24 hours."
  16. If AA failed, announce Counter Strike.
  17. Target Roll Counter Strike, interpreted by Hits to Kill Chart.
  18. If counter strike failed, then AA failed.
  19. Announce AA failed, Announce "Target is protected from Assassin # [ Your reg Number here ] for 24 hours."
  20. End Log

* Precept is 2 now, unless you have a stealth enhancer. If so, add your stealth or precept+ number to the precept)

*Only 1 aa per character is to be done per day. Example: If you have AAed [ DrkRiftKiller ], you can not AA him 7 hours later if he's rezzed.
However, if your friend has not AAed [ DrkRiftKiller ] within the past 24 hours, he can. You can't.
Every character you AA is protected from you for 24 hours. You must state this on completion of an AA - Sucessful or Failed, Counter or not.

* Please use your Advanced version of the logger (if you use a bot to log), to only record you and your target(s).

* AA logs go to both your GC and to the Chief Assassin ( xvdiabolictyme )


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Ressurection Attempts

Note: Rezz dice will be 3d of your guild dice.
For example... if you had 2d67 your Ress dice would be 3d67.
Please note the change in the RA chart.
You only have one chance to reach the target HTR in each RA.
Only one RA is to be done, per character, per day.
Example: If you faied to Rezz [ DrkRiftKiller ] You can not try again for 24 hours.
However, your friend can if they are regged.

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce RA, Clergy Reg#, Date and Time
  3. Announce Clergy Dice for Log
  4. State Witnesses(1 or 2)
  5. Roll RA, interpreted by RA Chart
  6. If RA sucessfull then target is living, pending forum validation of RA.
  7. If RA Fails then retry
  8. If retry fails then RA failed.
  9. Close log.


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Forced Collaring

Note: Slaver dice will be 2d of your guild dice.
For example... if you had 4d77 your Slaver dice would be 2d77.

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce FC attempt, Slaver Reg#, Date and time
  3. State Slaver Dice.
  4. Announce BG has 5 min to state.
  5. State BG(s) dice for log
  6. BG Roll Precept, interpreted via Precept chart.
  7. If Precept Fails, continue with the FC
  8. If Precept suceeds, FC failed.
  9. Announce Target has 5 min to state
  10. State Target Dice
  11. Target Roll Precept, interpreted via precept chart.
  12. If Precpt fails continue with the FC
  13. If precept suceeds, aa fails, and go to counter strike.
  14. Assasin rolls FC, interpreted by Damage to Kill Chart.
  15. If sucessfull, and IF PRECEPT SUCESSFULL, target rolls dodge. Highest single roll result(Not damage or total), wins. (Example: Slaver rolls 42,50 and target rolls 30, 52, 21, 43. The target is the winner. Highest roll from the Slaver was 50... highest roll from target was 52.)
  16. If FC sucessfull and precept not sucessfull, target is enslaved for a maximum of 30 days, a release match to be done every 7 days, pending forum validation.
  17. If FC completly sucessful target is enslaved for a maximum of 30 days, a release match to be done every 7 days, pending forum validation.
  18. If FC failed, End Log
  19. End Log

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Kidnap Attempts

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce KA, KA Reg#, Target, Date and Time
  3. State dice for log.
  4. Target State Dice, and BG(s)
  5. If there is a bodyguard BG Roll Precept, interpreted via Precept chart. for 2
  6. If no bodyguard, Target rolls precept for 2
  7. If precept sucess then target may flee or stay.
    If target flees then KA Failed.
  8. Kidnapper rolls 1d
  9. Target rolls 1d
  10. If BG precept sucess then BG rolls 1d
  11. If kidnapper roll is higher then BG and target roll, then KA Sucessfull
  12. If kidnapper Roll is less then target or BG roll then KA Failed
  13. If KA failed and precept sucessful then target rolls captrue ( 2d20 ) for 2.
  14. If capture sucess, then Kidnapper is slave of target
  15. If capture failed then KA Failed.
  16. Close log

Note: Kidnapped persons are not to be killed unless agreed upon by both parties. No sexual actions are to be taken
with any mun under the age of 18. A person may fight a releease match on kidnapped person's behalf if Kidnapper accepts.
The kidnapped person remains kidnapped for 1 mun week and then is offered a release match every 3 days.
The kidnapped may not reveal their location and may not leave the location even if kidnapper is not in realm.
Kidnapped may mindlink ( if applicable ) but may not go into public places unless instructed by kidnapper.
If kidnapper is slaved, then normal forum slave rules apply,



Note: Healing dice will be 3d of your guild dice.
For example... if you had 2d67 your Ress dice would be 3d67.
Please note the change in the RA chart.

  1. Start Log
  2. Announce Healing, Heal Reg#, Date and Time
  3. Announce Healing Dice for Log
  4. Roll Healing, interpreted by RA Chart
  5. If Healing sucessfull then target is healed.
  6. If Healing Fails then retry ( up to 2 more times )
  7. If retry fails then heal failed.
  8. Close log.

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