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This Is My World

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Hey waaaz up it your old friend fatty here just like to give you an update. Well today i finished part of a new portion of the site. I have just made the poems section of the site available to any one that would like to view it so far i only have two of the poems up loaded. I will also include caption because i have really bad had writing and you wont know what the pages say if i don't. So that about all i got for today so see later.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


Welcome to Fattys world, this is a site that I decided to build to show everyone how i do things and how i live in our world today. I built this site as sort of a test so that i see the different things i could do with HTML. I would just like to say that it is great to have you at my site and that i hope you come back soon. Also I will have all of the links and more finished eventual so thats even more reason to come and see my site again.Oh and also for now till i finish the other pages all of the links in black go to the home page.
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