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Welcome To

Hi! And welcome to Fair Enough. Wondering about the name? hehehe, yup, there is a story behind it. There always a story behind everything. Mhm, and yes I am about to tell it to you, cuz what goods a story if its never told? But for those of you who want to hurry along, I'll keep if short.
We, (Aper, Aber and Ro) got the idea to make this site together. So we all set to work on what things would be what and such, but we ran into a slight problem.
We couldn't decide on a site name! Always one or two of us didn't like what the others came up with, and this went on for quite some time, and it was threat'ning to rip our idea away from us, this one little detail, one little big detail. So, finally Aper said, "Ok, I'm going to ask JohnChan and the first thing he says is what we go with." And so she typed this to him, (Ro and Aber was at Ro's house talking to Aper on the phone) and as we waited for his reply we dissided to go with he first thing he said, and Aper had said the first thing he said was "fair enough" as a reply agreeing to picking the name and and stuff, then Aber pipes in, "Fair enough. Thats the first thing he said, thats what we go with." and so it went on that the three of us girls talked about that a few moments and to avoid any more arguement, it was agreed that that's what we would go with as the name on the site. XD Good job JohnChan! lol
And there's more we could tell, I can always tell more, but now I should say welcome to here, have fun, and be careful.
Some of us do bite.

ChOoSe A dEsTiNaTiOn

Nekos Box
Ro's Cell
Aper's Dark Halls