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I Have No Life, So This Was Made

Hey people. This is me making a webpage again. The background is all messed up... I know, I am trying to fix that problem now.... Anyway, this site isnt exactly devoted to anything, just me, my friends, and....more me I guess. Odds are if your here you either: A) Know me B) Have no idea who the hell I am and dont really care either. Just hit the back button...everything will be ok. Anyway, if you are one of my friends I will have a picture of you up here soon, I just need to make this main page first. I should update my site at least once a week maybe more often depending on how bored I am....

A whole bunch to places I go when I am bored out of my mind....

This is my blog page. Its just an online journal, I get to bitch about life in it. Always fun...
This is Ecrush, the teen hook up site, I told you I am pathetic
A branch of Ecrush, you post your picture and people rate you...8.1 baby!!
Emode - A hell of a lot of tests, it wastes time....great fun A whole lot of stuff to do when your bored.....makes sense...

Ok, well, as I told ya'll earlier I am still trying to get this set up and make it work. My HTML is...uh...rusty and it's a pina in the ass to get this to work. I am getting there though. Now, I am going to have a few more pages set up by the end of the day hopefully, the pics page isnt going to have any pics on it because my friends are a bunch of pains in the ass and wont let me take pictures. As soon as I talk them into letting me get pictures, the page will actually be worth something. Until then, the page is going to be really boring. Sorry...Ok, well, I have a pic page now just click here to see it.

Well, you lucky, lucky people you, I have once again just added a new page. It's my Wicca page. It has my Book of Shadows and some random information posted in it. Hope you enjoy...
