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Welcome to my psylocke page!!!, here i will be posting all things psylocke
The main reason i like psylocke is because of her ninja-like abilities
and the original way she uses her telekinetic powers, instead of the old
move things with her mind crap, instead shes destructive and violent just the
way i like her. In this page i will post things about psylocke as they come
to my attention and i will also be posting fan fic and fan art so if you've
felt creative lately then please Email me so i can post them and make
This page interesting. 

Profile: Psylocke

Real name: Betsy Braddock ( also known as Kwannon but im not fully clued in on it
so i'll just leave it at that :) )

Age: Unknown

Profession: Thief

Weapon of choice: Psy-Knives

Greatest battle: Psylocke VS Sabertooth ( The one where he almost killed her, Bastard )

Name: Psylocke

Previous Names: Lady Mandarin, Captain Britain

Current Team Affiliation: None

Previous Team Affiliation: X-Men, Hand, Hellfire Club

1st Appearance: New Mutants Annual #2

Brief Description of Powers and Abilities: Ninja Skills, Shadow-Crawling

Source of Powers: Psylocke is a mutant born with the X-Factor gene, which was altered by the mystical power of the Crimson Dawn. She was also trained by the Hand. Note: Psylocke had her body switched with Revanche.

Currently: Psylocke recently contained Shadow King into her own mind "shutting off" her psi-powers. Cross References: Archangel (Lover), Revanche (Body Swapper)(D), Captain Britain (Brother) Meggan (Sister-In-Law), Jamie Braddock (Brother) (D) = Deceased