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Realm of Eternal Fantasy

Freya sends Thanks to:


Pain hidden for no one to see
Spirit broken, tears inside
Running in circles with nowhere to hide
Laughter and happiness for all to see
Glasses shatter, screams fill their ears
Help being wanted, but they do not hear
Their blindness inflicts rage
They do not see the pain that I hold
My actions are insults and often too bold
Silence annoys me
My secrets grow strong
When did the torment become so long
Images of happiness long since forgotten
With the friends, the toys, and the dolls
Lonliness my ally, trapped behind these walls
The darkness is soothing
It pulls me in
Before the shouting can begin again

Jessica A. McCoy


Abandoned to a life of torment and death
Alone to deal with the cold world
No one cares…
No one understands me…
No one ever will…
Where am I to go?
One who has been rejected?
Hole up in my misery or Run?
Mere Pity stays my hand
Trust is far from becoming truth now
A truth in those once loved
Those who no longer care
Those who steal life
Those who doubt me
Judge me
Beat me with words
Beat me with thoughts
Scold me.
I’m not the type to walk out on
So what’s the point?
I’ll leech what I want out of them
Then abandon…

Dana E. Hollinger

The Trio

When all seems bleak, lonely, cold, who will you turn to?
Parents? Friends? Pets?
Will you let that feeling linger
Or rid yourself of it?
Will it last forever if you did anything about it?
Well, what about me?
Don’t we trust each other enough?
Can’t we talk, no matter how far apart we are?
Different states, different countries…
Even if another world existed, would we not still be able to approach one another?
Did we not create that world for ourselves for escape?
For relaxation?
We run, trying to escape the stresses of the real world…
We flee pain…
We flee lies…
We flee hate…
Lost in this little world of ours, who else are we to count on?
There are no parents, no friends…but Family.
Three sisters
Three places
Three worlds
All united as one.
All together, as if sharing one life
All together, never letting go
No matter what life brings
They’ve seen it all
Held on through it all
And most of all…
Cared after each other through it all
Depression, Suicide, Anger, Revenge.
All of it the same to them
Nothing stopping the love
Nothing breaking their strength
Their Love
Their Care
Nothing to break the bonds that tie them so close…
Nothing to break their strength
Nothing…but themselves.
Nothing but themselves and the love they share
That brings them so close in the first place.
And so…
Nothing can stop them
And if nothing is their love…
Then how can even nothing stop their love?
Their care?
Their devotion?
Answer me that…
Yet as if by accident They somehow met One through the other The other through one Apart not Torn Loved not Lost Three Worlds, One family Three Souls, One love Three hearts beat Three voices meet Glistening Tears, Shining Smiles Together, though never gone And all three of them have made it Helped each otehr through Because it's easy just to listen To the secret lies and pains Though one may go, Two will always wait Still in Mind, Still in heart A trio of love, shall never break Her, You and Me To the smiles we share To the pains we face Come what may, To love that can't break

Dana E. Hollinger & Bethany J. Minor & Nicole A. Hickson "THE Trio"

To see you smile,
To hear you sing,
To see you again,
For the joys you bring.
To hold you close,
To be your love,
To know I'm with you.
Smiling from above.
I miss you here,
When shall you come home
It's all cold now.
And I'm all alone

Nicole A. Hickson

Last Wish

My love is strong, I’ll know he’ll last
Not like the other from my past
He keeps things hidden
But they’re not forbidden
They’re just waiting for a soft touch
A gentleness that could mean so much
His burdens I wish to know and lighten
Hoping he knows I’ll not be frightened
He brings light to the darkness I hide
Letting me know that in him I may
When at last we meet
Darkness will have her last defeat
He shall be my light to hold
Knowing my feelings are not too bold
So for you this is written, sealed with a kiss
Being with you my one last wish

Jessica A. McCoy


This cruel world comes to a bitter end
Not with Death
Not with Life
But with the familiar hatred that shadows bring
It’s just another test – I tell myself
But it does not believe me
Oh fucking damned world what have I done
Why are you filling my mind, my soul, my heart
Yes this has happened before oh hell yes
But not like this
Not this way
Not this horrible…not this
We were prepared for the last one…we knew it would come
But we had no warning…no not for this
Oh sacred havens – Depleted from me
Oh welcoming hell – Coming up upon me
This choice comes too soon – Too fast
The perfect day, the perfect…
Stolen from me by this…
To limit them or be done with them
Oh lord – Curse this now
Curse this
That I ever thought that I could get away
That reality would fade
Even for a day
Shit, it never will
It won’t even budge
Life brings death and death bring life
Everything will go on…
Everything will live on…
Dana. Nicole.
My closer then sisters
My closer then kin…stolen
Their faces wiped from my memory
As I cling to everything I have
That was theirs
Oh fucked world
Oh damned people
Oh hated choices
But no…I will not let it be that way
As the youngest…as the youngest
For the Trio…
I live on
For the Trio…
I will go on
For the Trio…
I will not lie in peace while my beloved are not
For the Trio…
I shall go forth
For Dana – All my heart and soul
For Nic – All my love and spirit
Tears can fall miles away
But I’m not that far away
We made this world
Come hell, come the damned, come reality we live in
We will see it brought to life
No matter what
We flee pain…We flee reality
We flee lies…We flee the truth
We flee hatred…We find
Each other
And not only in our world
Three Sisters
Three Places
Three Worlds
All united as one
All united in one life…in one world…in one dream
We created a world for ourselves to escape
We said we’d never let it go – No matter what life throws
Depression Anger Suicide Revenge
Oh damned world
Why must you be so cruel as this
As to take them – My Family
As to take them away
There’s too much trust

There’s too much for it too die

Bethany J. Minor

Dedicated to: "The Trio", My two older sisters ("sissers"), Dana and Nicole.
"Love may be the only thing that is close. But remember who is with you in your hearts. The Trio...always there. Always for care." B.J.M.

On a cold abandoned corner,
She sits there all alone
Everything seems to be her fault
She's a problem on her own.
The pavement's cold and hard
But it's the best that she has
To the comfort warm it's nothing
To the home that she once had

Nicole A. Hickson

The Wolf

A gorgeous creature,
This controller of the night.
It's eyes a piercing black,
It's fur a snowky white.
Apon all fours,
It's teeth bared in warning
It hunts away the night,
And prepares itself for morning.
Dare you trust this beast,
Who appears so viciously cruel?
Yet it's gentle, kind and loving,
With so many under it's rule
Do not misjudge this wonderful thing
For you'll never understand the race
So you'd better your running
And hear the wolf...give chase.

Nicole A. Hickson

My Sites

Beowulf - An Epic (Episode One - E. Two Coming Soon!)
A site of warriors, wizards, and more! Join the legends!
Tomar's world of mystery and adventure.
Hmm...for all those Lord of the Rings fans...
Rhapsody - A mystic land of insanity
Final Fantasy 10 - Land of Spira
