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Eryk Sveltsgeld

[[Name:Eryk Sveltsgeld]] [[Age:425]] [[Height:5'6]][[Weight:196]] [[Hair:Red]] [[Eyes:Blue]] [[Skin:Fair]] [[Appearance: Slightly long red hair, beard, normally wears amongst other people a plain off-white tunic, and a pair of old and much-mended leather pants, with only his well-used sword at his side, and his bow and quiver on his back.]][[Decorations:clay beads braided into his beard]] [[Personality: Quiet, polite, sense of humor seen by few, a distant sadness surrounding his words and thoughts.]] [[History: Not known to any but him.]] [[Quote:Lo there, do I see my father. Lo there, do I see my mother, and my sisters and my brothers. Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do they call to me, bid me take my place among them In the halls of Valhalla, where the great may live forever.}}