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Ero Parronvitch


Height - 6'
Weight - 130
Eye Color - Sea Green
Hair Color - Platinum-
Straight, Hip Length
Skin Tone - Pale
Scars- One- Mid Back Sickle Shaped
Tats- Tops of Feet - Druidic Symbols
Voice Tone - Soft, Whispery, Russian Accent
Other Identifying Body Marks - None


Throwing Knives - Silver
Chain Belt - Dragon Bone


Boots - Black Leather
Gloves - Black Leather
Tunic - White Silk
Pants - White Silk
OverRobes/Hood - White Silk/Fur


Mortal/Royalty of Olde


| TKoH | 2d6 | 20025 Exp | 10888 Gps|
| TKOH Healer H#14 | House of Sirith Leader|
| DdN | UV | 2d39 | 740 Exp | 370Gps |UVFL051
| Vis Vitae Pristess|Healer|UV* HE053 |
| OeA | 2d26 | 65 Exp | 0 Gps |
| RoE | 2d22 | Reg# 1102-RoE 4468 |Kyabetsus school |

| KSN |2d50 | 1000 Gps | |Odium |TotC | 2d73 |18,150 exp | 9,951gp |House End'shy |Healer TCH*15 |TCP*14 |

|DS | ToDC/Forsaken |2d73 | 18,150 | Clergy | Enhancers

TKoHW#018-5 - -2 Def. Ring #4