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I suppose this is where I welcome you and wonder how you found yourself in this dark, dismal corner of the Internet...Well! Don't look at me. I didn't bring you here. Humph! ::Sighs:: Well, as the host of this site I should feel obligated to maybe explain a little about what you have stumbled into and possibly even a little bit about who I am... but I don’t, so check out the site. Don't go expecting some great social consciousness or anything in these pages. This is just a small little tribute to both my continued existence as well as to the amazing feat of keeping friends. But that is not all I have here. Oh by no means... I ramble on about a great many things. But other than that, this webpage is just a senseless mass of electrons, which really doesn't have many socially redeeming features at all. Hmmm... Sort of like a large portion of the human race I must say. Feel free to wander around. But remember; if you break it, you will be flayed, crucified, disemboweled, dunked into a vat of battery acid, and generally made miserable. :)  Well... enjoy!