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Let's Talk about Wicca!

Witches one and all heed the Wiccan Rede: Whatever you give out comes back times three.

I want to send warning those with an unopen mind. This is not the site for you. If you want to turn people who you don't like into frogs, this site will not help you. If you want to mock the Wiccan religion or any other, Wicca is not for you and this site isn't. Please, if you wan't to know about me and Wicca, read on. I will tell you all I know. I don't pretend or promise to know everything however. No one person can if you wish to practice Wicca there are many others to get information from as well.

Hey, I'll be the first to admit being a Witch in today's world is really tough. Sometimes, especially if you're solitare like me, it's really lonely. My parents don't approve of the Wiccan religion which makes it worse for me. I have to hide my religion in my own house. I have bosses who make jokes about my religion where I work that at times really hurt my feelings. I don't mean to ask for sympathy from others but to simply show others in my boat that they aren't really alone.

Remember, people, not just kids, are cruel. They don't understand Wicca and are therefore afraid of us. They decide since they don't understand or know so little about it that we are "Devil worshippers". That's the world we live in. Thank you. Read anything you wish. Visit the links on Wicca and the ads if you wish.