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In the beginning god created the heavens and earth. In the many eons that followed, humanity, god's greatest creation had become the opitimy of all that he despised through their acts of selfishness, murder, crime, lust, and evil conspiracies. The all-powerful creator had given up on humanity and abandoned them. Before he lifted his hand off of the world however, he appointed 7 holy priests to take charge and rule over it. And so it came to pass that the 7 priests held sovereignty over the earth realm. They were also given the ability to summon the almighty's angels in the event of trouble. As the world further progressed into degradation the spirits of demons became more powerful than ever. And now with the master no longer looking over the earth-realm the rules and boundries had been blurred. The realities of heaven and hell began to shift and the earth became the focal point of rival demon spirit's and holy spirit's. The evil dragon that had been condemned to hell by god's will had awaited his opportunity. No longer bound by the rules and power of the almighty he released his demons and hell hounds on the earth proclaiming victory over its inhabitants. The holy priests in retaliation summoned forth god's angels waging war on earth in what would be the final battle between heaven and hell, good and evil. This final war...would be the worst of them all... the era to end all others before it... the era.. of ARMAGEDDON!