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When I look through my eyes so much like yours I wonder if we saw the world the same.
I wake and I think of you and sleep there is no such thing.... I did not realize
just how much I loved you and you loved me until you went away
I am sorry for being stubborn and not knowing how to break
I wander through wondering if its all still a dream I just can't imagine
you not being in this world near me.

Every night I ask god to make it all a dream , He does not seem to hear my pleas
you made me feel special in only a way a dad knows how .
I have to struggle through this life always wondering if I have ever made you proud
Its not the things I said to you but the things I could have said
like how much I really loved you and what A great dad you were with the girls
I am still looking for you daddy . I am still your little girl.