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Whether you're a practitioner of Paganism/Witchcraft/Wicca, or just interested, I'm hoping you'll find this site helpful.

I ask you to continue with an open mind. DO NOT email me to ridicule my beliefs or to tell me that I am somehow "corrupting" your child. Paganism is not a "cult". We do NOT believe in (or worship) Satan, sacrifice babies/animals, have orgies, nor are we trying to "destroy Christianity". If you believe any of these things, you have been told LIES, and you NEED to read this site! Also, this is not a "Hate" site. I don't "hate" Christianity or any other religion. Nor am I trying to say that anyone SHOULD believe in paganism. The purpose of this site is to inform and to teach. I do not force my beliefs on you, you are free to pass right by this site, DO NOT email me trying to force your beliefs on me.

PARENTS: Please keep an eye on your children while they're online! I am NOT their baby-sitters (I have children of my own to watch) and am NOT responsible for the information that they gather because you're not watching their online behavior.

Since this is an Educational Site, I will answer all questions put to me the best that I can! But, I do NOT seek to "convert" anyone!

Attention other religions, sects and paths (including earth-based religions disagreeing with anything stated within this site) :

Let us not quarrel among ourselves.
Leave us be and we shall do the same for you.
Worship as you see best and allow us the same right.
This is the true Wicca way...and the free way.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be,
Lady Lara Valin,
The DreamWeaver