This site is now under heavy construction. But you may feel free to visit any time you want to. If you have any ideas for the building of this site please e-mail me.

3/29/04 Monday

               DragonMantek Here

       Hey, today I opened my site up. I have decided that if there are any requests I will try and get them as soon as possible. Soon I will open up a Starcraft - Brood War and non-Brood War part of the site where all the files you could want will be. This site will not be dedicated to Starcraft though. I will also open up a Rom section sooner or later though as I will not be publishing actual ROMs for some might be Illegal to be held. Instead of giving you ROMs I will send you sites that are almost 0% ads and have the actual ROMs without any misleading to pop-ups and worms. I will know this by checking the ROMs for myself and if they are compatible with the computer, then I will surely give you the site with ROMs. Also I will have a Flash part where any dedicated Flash artist will be able to send in Flash. I will only publish flash if the actual flash is not malicious (look it up) and does not deal with any porn slide shows, un-wanted religious judgments, making people look stupid (E.G. Stuff about bush), and any other thing you think will be inappropriate. If there are any requests to open up a dedicated page to what ever you want e-mail me.