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Dragons Guild Signature Site

New Page 1

This site is for the new 2004 signatures that will be done up for Dragons Guild League Staff. So far most of these signatures will be made by Evill, but if you have any that you have made or someone has made for you and you would like to use as a signatures for your tourneys, please send them Evill. And she can put them straight up for you to use there and then.

This year there will be more things to choose from to make your tourneys pages look flasher, layouts to do the larger fonts, curser scripts etc.

Dragons Guild Host List

Email Tags

2004 Email Sig Site
Currently Being Worked On

2003 Signuture Site

Backgrounds and Add-ons


Welcome Tags

Other DGL Sites

All images are copywrite of the Dragons Guild Leagues.
Any use of them without written permission from the owners of DGL, the offenders
will be taken to their hosting site for the images to be immediately removed.
Last Updated:- 29/2/04