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ASB Team

Houndour (M)
Nickname: Sidius
Sig Move: Hell's Rage
Description: Sidius exhales a tiny flare from his mouth onto the arena floor. Using his dark powers, that tiny flare is magical spread across the arena. The flames roar and engulf the entire battlefield in a second. Enemies who step into the flames are dealt with damage. Sidius' fire and dark attacks are suddenly 5% stronger then before. It also does 4% damage to the foe at the end of every round Hell's Rage is roaring (which is three). Hell's Rage can be put out with any Water-Type attack. After Hell's Rage has been put out, then Sidius cannot use it again. Sidius is immune to the flames around him so it will not hurt him at all. Hell's Rage lasts for three rounds. If Sidius' health is 25% or below and Hell's Rage is active then he'll heal his HP by 2% at the end of each round until Hell's Rage is done or Sidius has been defeated.
Type: Fire | Damage: 4% per round | Accuracy: 75% | Effect: *points up*

Ekans (F)
Nickname: Basilisk
Sig Move: Sanity Meter
~Basilisk speaks in her low, mysterious voice. She speaks of darkness and things you'd see in nightmares. These ideas eventually freak out the enemy. Basilisk then uses her powers to create illusians of the things she spoke of earlier. When the enemy sees them, it'll drive them to the brick of sanity. That's only the beginning. After that first time, seeing the illusians, the enemy will start to hallucinate. They'll think they see Basilisk on the other side of the arena or perhaps right besides them. Even worse. They'll see the creatures they saw from the illusians. After the whole attack is done, the enemy may still hallucinate. Sanity isn't a thing that can come back in a second. Expecially after what happened to them. This attack takes up three turns in one round. (i.e. the first attack is Basilisk telling the enemy about darkness and horrible things. the second attack is Basilisk creating the illusians and the third attack is when the whole thing has driven the enemy insane). Basilisk can only use this move once per battle.
Type: Dark | Damage: n/a | Accuracy: 70% | Effect: Drives opponent insane

Charmander (F)
Nickname: Cuivadur
Sig Move: Scorching Sword
~Cuivadur inhales air through her nose deeply than he breathes a fireball in her claw. She forges the roaring flames into a sword made of pure fire.Evylan swings her opponent with the Scorching Sword. The fire can be put out with any water attack. If this attack hits a Grass-Type then the foe will burst into flames for a few seconds, causing a bit of extra damage to the enemy.
Type: Fire | Damage: 10% | Accuracy: 80% | Effects: 30% chance of burning

Totodile (F)
Nickname: Rogue
Sig Move: Ice Arrow
Description: Rogue creates some mist around her mouth. She recites "Pilin en' templa" and the mist forges together to make what appears to be an arrow made of ice. Rogue takes aim and fires the ice arrow at her opponent. When it makes contact, the ice arrow explodes and covers the enemy with a harsh mist. That mist however doesn't hurt the foe. Getting hit with an arrow made of ice did the damage.
Type: Ice | Damage: 10% | Accuracy: 80% | Effect: 10% chance of freezing

Meowth (F)
Nickname: Lirima
Sig Move: n/a

Rhyhorn (M)
Nickname: Gambit
Sig Move: n/a

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