Name: "The Limit" Mathew Williams


Weight: 220lbs

Hometown: Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom

Appearance: Short Dark Hair, Dark Eyes, Closely Trimmed Gottee Beard

Nicknames: The Welsh Wonder, The Unbreakable

Catchphrases: You Can't Break The Unbreakable, I Will Take You...To Your Limit

Race: Gilmir (Slayer)


Finishing Moves:

The Limit Splash (Five Star Frog Splash) - Primary Finisher

Rage of the Valar (Rock Bottom backbreaker) - Secondary Finisher

Cardiff Cloverleaf (Modified Texas Cloverleaf) - Submission Finisher

Limit Breaker (Leaping Front Neckbreaker) - Often Used to Set up The Limit Splash

Favourite Moves:

Bite of the Dragon (Spike DDT) - Rarely Used

Limit Leg Drop (Springboard Leg Drop) - Rarely used Multiple Dragon Suplexes

Variety Of Suplexes/Dropkicks (Including Dropsault although this is only used spapingly)
Shooting Star Press - Last resort move, in hard faught contests

Moonsault - Not very often

Diving HBK Style Elbow - Rare


Dragon Sleeper

Gilmir Abilities

Enhanced Senses (Think Daredevil, only less blind) Accelerated Healing,Levitation,Telekenisis

Gilmir Weapons

Blessed Bow and Sword - The arrows fired from teh bow have teh power to neutralise Kindred abilities, leaving a powerful poison, which alows Mat to track them and use the blessed sword to deliver the finishing blow

Backstory etc to come