The Emerald Flame - Big Joe

Big Joe

Ring Name:
The Emerald Flame

Unknown, most likely human


Weight: 260

Newark, Delaware

Special Abilities:
Can change the molecular structure of himself and inanimate objects he's in contact with. He most often uses this power to move about erratically or to spy on others. While in his "cloud" form, Joe can only see vague outlines. As he only learned of his powers a few years ago, he can't yet change the structure of others.

Entrance Music:
Rhapsody - Emerald Sword

Big Joe has been wrestling off and on in various locales around the world since his retirement from GTWF following his disillusionment with the management and complications from his divorce of ex-wife Addie Hall three years ago. In that time he has returned to training in Ireland, leading a brand a fighting that is more about pain and endurance then flash.

Style: Mostly power moves and roughneck, with his fair share of tech moves.

Move set sample:
Belly to Belly suplex European Uppercut Throat punch Eye poke Clubs to the neck STO Fame-ass-er Side effect Anything that works over the knees Various submission moves Back Drop German Suplex Choke hold Choke toss Flash Magic
Whiskey Shot:Vertabreaker Northern Liberation: Russian Death Drop (Look it up in the old No Mercy game) Trinity:Dropkick to knee, into Enzinguri, into Crossface lock.