"The Enigma" Rune Nova

"The Enigma" Rune Nova

The man called "The Enigma" Rune Nova had actually been birth named Rune Novistador, born to a German imigrant mother who fell in love with a Spanish man who was actually a wrestler himself called The Novistador. (Not Sightable or roughly translated to The Unseen.)

His actual name was Josue Chavez. A bar owner after his days in the ring. His mother, Lena Mayer, born to a dairy farmer and immigrated to the states for a better and more prosperous life. They had an only son who grew up with a hard life. He was a very beautiful child, often picked on in school due to his smaller stature. The girls often picked on him and unknown to many tortured him from his early childhood.

His opinions on women often made many think he was always what he wasn't.

But in his latter years in life he came upon old tapes of his father in matches against a behemoth of a man called Nitro. A man who went on and began his own training school and later on his own promotion. Against his fathers wishes he left home at an early age to take on his fathers legacy and met a man whom looked him over and at first glance was laughed at.

He was brought into the household and was asked all his personal information and then was fed and put up in the home while his family was contacted. Unbeknownst to him he was talked to about a great deal of things in the business and schooled on loyalty and to trust ones gut instinct. Never in all his years did he ever feel accepted for who he was or is. He just was and he looked at the man that welcomed him in and began his schooling from the moment he stepped through the front door.

He was an only child but from day one he felt like he finally had an older brother in Conner Hawk, whom he trusted emphatically. He was about the business and also housed more than what anyone else knew.

He stayed with the family for several years and by the age of 19 he left and struck out on his own and met up with a bunch of thrill seeking bikers calling themselves The Youngbloods. Vampires in the know, knew of this group of ghouls that hunted the nocturnals for their precious vitae. In that blood they all gained powers beyond any comprehension and caused a great deal of pain and turmiol in any vampires existance should they ever cross paths.

It was during the later years of his existance when he finally bagged an elder who was staked and left incapacitated unable to fend for itself being fed every once in awhile only to have her blood drained so he may drink of it and gain power to go on his thrill seeking business. Her very blood granted him superhuman speed toughness and even some potence to keep most Ancillae vampires in a state of apprehension due to his power.

While the Ancillae feared the likes of his kind the Elders worried more that one of his ilk may very well undo there works. They have been known to do it in mere days as opposed to the weeks in most Praxis Seizures.

He later returned to the world where he was schooled and trained upon to pick up his fathers legacy once again where his very charisma and confidence left many as followers and others as watchful onlookers cheering on the flamboyant free talker. Those who hated him always hated the fact that he had no quit and usually allied himself with those that helped him see the ends of his agenda.

He followed Conner Hawk into the halls of one company and watched with such cunning at their leaders every action and never once questioned him until the very day they all left that old place in ruins and watched from afar as it went under. He followed and struck his own deal where he would prove he was his own man even behind rumors of his own sexuality. A known womaniser, with his pretty and boyish youthful looks that often melted many hearts in women leaving them screaming and many men hating.

He carried himself with such confidance that many grew to hate him even more yet he always managed to find a way to cause his every opponent lose to him by beating themslves. He was truly an Enigma because he always left everyone who hated him loving him more. He was a riddle unto himself as to how he was able to do such feats in and out of the ring and still come out on top when even all doubt pointed to his undoing.

Standing at 5'11" and a mere 220lbs. being the only man known to drop those much larger than him on many occassions and yet still go back for more when beaten. His reputation of being the Living Thorn In Ones Side, still stands to this day. Comical, serious, or just straight out puzzling, The Enigma has always made one thing perfectly clear.

This pretty boy and questionable character is one man who has alot more depth to him than any abyss on the planet.

In his years among the Youngbloods, Rune Nova had done what every thrill seeking ghoul could do. He was in the Extreme Sports circuit, skateboarding his way to fame as well as gonig through alot of BMX stunting and racing.

Of course with his super human gifts he usually ended up among the top three at all times most times being number one. His transition into the wrestling world was just the same as he was always trying to invent different types of moves o perform and wow fans. Of course being trained under the Hawk brothers he learned a great deal of in ring knowledge and even became Conner Hawk, The WyldChylde's very protege.

His in ring arsenal consisted of high risk high flying moves showing off his acrobatic talent. Over the years he travelled and picked up and created his own style which was a mixture of lucha libre, and martial arts. Always flamboyant and rarely if ever missed his mark. His speed was very uncanny as was his ring skills and is always open to learn more from his fellow competitors.

Why is Rune Nova such an Enigma. Because of his ability to quickly adapt to anyones style and being able to hold his own.

Wrestling Style: Martial Arts and Lucha Libre.

Past accomplishments.

Was a three time PWX and XCA Quicksilver Champion. Held the World Tag Titles on 3 occassions. XCA Triple X champion. PWX and XCA Rookie of the year. A founding member of the stable that heralded change in the industry and also and caused much damage to any company it became involved with, The Brotherhood.

10 moves most often used.
1. Running Flashback.
2. Hurricanrana.
3. Tornado DDT.
4. Brainbuster DDT.
5. Fisherman Driver pinning combo.
6. Martial arts combo strikes.
7. Springboard corkscrew body press.
8. Triple Elbow drop. (does a taunt of girating hips on the third one.)
9. Rope walk into a springboard moonsaulted enziguri.
10. Crucifix armbar.

Signature moves.
The Rune-Nation. (Moonsault off the top rope into a Dragon-Suplex)
The Prettyboy Dream. (Sitdown Dragon Sleeper)
Finishing Move.
The Eye Of The Nova. (Springboard moonsault reverse DDT pinning combo)
Ht: 5'11"
Wt: 220lbs.
Powers of note.
Potence. Celerity. Fortitude.
Also has a natural charisma and often has a sway over the crowd and control over their emotions, depending on his moods.
Entrance music: We Fall, We Fall, by Dead Celebrity Status.
(anything else will be brought further upon review)