
General Rules
Since everyone here is the cream of the crop and you all know how I do things, I apologize for having to state the obvious since you also know what the code of conduct is but because we will get new players, it's just policy to list them.
The main rule for the entire game are simple and pretty much defined by not doing to another's char what you wouldn't want done to yours. Basically, be fair and respectful to your fellow players, this includes officials.

Check any ooc ego and bad attitude at the door.

Bottom line, no one is better than anyone else here. We are all the same and we're all here to have fun, that's it. If someone wants to cause problems or create drama, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Respect for your fellow player is expected and while cussing is definitely allowed, save the heavy stuff for people you know well enough and/or people you have discussed this with ahead of time. If you abuse another player with this, meaning complaints are made, your post will be edited without question or if the situation persists, you'll be asked to leave.

NO official is to harass a player in any way, shape or form, that includes offhanded remarks, disrespect or dissing them in or out of character. I have a zero tolerance policy in effect and if an instance is found. The guilty party will have their position removed and could also be banned from the game itself. Corrupt officials and troublesome players will be thrown out immediately.

To be an official is to have a responsibilty to the game and it's players. If an official can't be bothered with doing right by the game or the players in it, they have no business being one and may be asked to step down. Excessive absences will also be be grounds for being asked to step down or grounds for replacement. This can be permanent or temporary depending on the circumstances and they may be resume their positions once presence and activity can be resumed. Please consult me personally in regards to this.

Coming into the federation, we ask that you create an original character. Wwe, Tna, Ecw and Wcw chars are not allowed as they limit character progression, those wrestlers/chars could leave their respective promotions due to employment, injury etc. Create only as many chars as you can comfortably handle.

Creativity is strongly encouraged, if you want to start a storyline, do so. If you want to suggest or create your own matches for a "show" or "ppv" feel free, as always, discuss with your opponent. Want to submit a match type to our match type list, you may do so at anytime on the ooc(Out of character)board and mark it with Match suggestion. If it's possible and in good taste, there'll be no objections.

Role play scenes/posts on the rpg and match board should be a minimum of at least one paragraph. Experience level is taken into consideration as new rpg players learn from reading other's work and experience. If you have the writing ability, don't be afraid to show it off. Flaunt your stuff. It doesn't matter if you write short rps, two, maybe three paragraphs or very long rps. That is up to you, the players.

No plagerizing your rps. Inspiration is one thing, directly copying is another. If you are found to be doing so, it will be called to your attention.

Note:Characters that you create can be rpg only if you don't wish to engage in wrestling matches. It is your choice. You can do both if you wish or you can simply rpg your char.

1. No godmoding, ever.

2. No killing another's char without the player's approval

3. No converting another char without player's approval - Ex: turning someone into a vamp, Garou/ Werewolf, Wraith etc

4. No clusterfucking(group attack/unfair numbers), again without the player's approval

5. No humiliation tactics without the player's approval - Ex: Peeing on them, etc. This also includes vulgar language that goes beyond the norm. In other words, NO DEGRADATION. Ever.

6. No Mutilations without the other player's approval. Ripping off a limb, a head, severe and realistically permanent damage to the face or body by chemicals or fire etc

7. No destruction of a char's property without consent - Ex: you may throw a lit match but you cannot burn their house down.

8. No non-selling in matches or rpg combat - If you get struck, sell the hit/move. It makes for a better, more exciting match.

9. No creating a godmoding char, unhurtable, unstoppable, unbeatable - Ex: Cyborgs

10. No spamming

11. No personal fights - Save it for emails and messenger. If the problem is of a serious nature, please contact an official. This game is to have fun, not deal with someone else's drama or lousy attitude. If a person is found to be causing alot of this, they will be asked to stop and if they do not, they're out.

11A. IF you would not rather work with another player, please do not mention any of their characters in your storylines or fueds. It can be considered goading and drama. Don't like someone, great, don't want to work with them, fine, you don't have to, but DO NOT bring them up in your rps, period.

11B. Personal romantic relationships between players- Got one? Great! Keep any drama off the boards and keep it to your Instant Messagengers or emails. Nobody wants to see them played out in ooc or get dragged into them.

12. Impromptu matches are allowed and encouraged on the rpg board and during interview/special segments at "tv" and "ppv" events that can be found on the Battle board.

13. Supernatural powers - Allowed. This is you as the underworld intended. Godmoding is not allowed, an example would be "incinerating" another char without consent. Anything that could destroy the char. Magis like turning another char into say a rabbit without consent first, epecially in matches. Bottom line, always speak to your opponent(s)first if there's something you'd like to do. The emphasis is on fun and freedom for everyone involved.

14. In-char management conduct-Given that an occurance of this happened ELSEWHERE, all players here should know that no one with an in-game position ex. Prez will ever pull rank on your character by stripping your title or making you wrestle in something without consulting with you FIRST, angle or no angle. All players must be consulted with first and foremost. Any sign of bullying tactics, will be dealt with immediately and harshly. I won't have it. Go elsewhere to feed your ego.

Battle Arena/Match rules
1. No godmoding

2. It is encouraged that you and your opponent come to a decision on who wins, loses or if it's a draw. If you cannot agree on an outcome or wish the match to be voted on by the officials, it will be followed and voted on accordingly.

Remember to move up in the ranks, people should be able to win as well as lose to keep the story going. Give and take is the name of the game no matter who your char is.

3. Championship matches usually have a pre-determined outcomes meaning the champion will retain during their time allotted reign. The exception would be if the players had their own pre-determined outcome, example, a champion wants to drop at that event to that person. The party(s) will need to contact an official in regards to that so we can keep a record of when that char's reign begins. You may contact an official through email or a post on the ooc board marked "Officials please read" or along that line.

4. Run-ins are always allowed and encouraged as long as you HAVE the permission of the characters in the match. Any char may show up at a match to watch or do color commentary but may not impact the match by attacking one of the chars or both without the permission of the participants.

5. No showing for a match is a big no-no, if a player does not show up for his or her match without prior notice or a good reason, it will count against them by being suspended from the following event/ppv. No exceptions.

Always give notice on the ooc board, on the main board, to an official or your opponent(s) via email or messenger.

Not finishing a match is also a no-no. If a player agrees to do a match, they should respect their opponent enough to finish. This will also count against a player that leaves their opponent(s) hanging. If an occurance of this happens, an opponent doesn't post for days without notice, permission will be given to the active opponent to finish the match and take the win.

If it's a title match where the champion is left hanging, the challenger loses that match. If it is the champion, the officials will decide the outcome.

Disciplinary action in such a case is that the person not showing, continuing or finishing that title match will NOT be allowed ANY title matches till they have proven themselves able to start, continue and complete three consecutive events. NO exceptions.

Bottom line again, if you don't want to do a match, do not sign up or agree to it. Match card updates are usually posted throughout an event's match call, so if you can't participate after all, then is the time to say something, not after the event has begun.

6. Events last 14 days to give everyone enough time to complete them, it is suggested that players try to finish around 10 or 11 days to give themselves a few days to rest and rp before the next match round-up/event.

7. Try not to overbook yourselves, if you wish to do a few matches at an event that is up to you but only if you can handle the rigor. The bookers that notice a large number of matches by one player may check with you in regards to the quantity.

8. The only matches/interview/segments on the card will be voluntary with the exception of champions, they are expected to defend their titles at the events. An event off is no problem but not consecutively. If a champion develops a pattern, their reign will be looked at regardless of their reign and may be forced to drop at an event. If they do not show for that event, worst case scenario and usually very last resort, the title will be stripped.

9. All players must work their way up to title matches with exceptions being that the champion challenges you or accepts your challenge or the bookers see your effort and skill level, can or will book you against a champion. Any champion may decline a challenge from a specific person as it is their perogative. Ex: new player with zero experience, a player with poor rpg skills or shows little to no effort.

10. Returning players will not automatically get a title shot, they may fight for a title contendership but can be granted said title shot if it's agreed between the champion and/or the officials.

Code of Conduct
Terms of Conduct/Behavior
1. All players will respect their fellow player as they would want to be respected themselves.

2. No flaming on any board, ever.

3. No X rated material, photos, links or role plays. Suggestive posts and/or expletives are allowed with a rating of "Mature" "R" etc in your post title.

4. There is a zero tolerance policy on racial, sexual, political or religious harrassment and flaming. Every player has a right to their own beliefs and opinions.

5. Personal gripes and rants will not be tolerated on the Darker Realms, Darkside Federation game boards. Take it to email or instant messenger.

6. Personal gripes, rants, or flaming another fed/game will not be tolerated on the Darker Realms, Darkside Federation game boards. Take it to email or instant messenger. Any such posts will be edited and/or deleted, no questions asked.

Terms Of Service/Legal: Darker Realms and Darkside Wrestling Federation

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF is 100% Porn free, any posting of images, links to or anything else considered pornographic will NOT be tolerated.

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF does not condone or promote anything that violates international copyright laws. This includes file sharing (mp3's, movies, programs) or links to Warez and other things of that nature.

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF does not condone or promote criminal activity of any nature.

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF does not condone or promote any sort of intolerance based on race, sex, politics or religion.

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF has the right to enforce a code of conduct which all users must follow, by using our services you agree to the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct.

Darker Realms/Darkside Wrestling Federation/DWF reserves the right to deny access or service to anyone for any reason it sees fit. Using our services/game is a priviledge, not a right.