
Real Name: Danielle White
In-Ring Name: Poison
Height: 7'
Weight: 315-320
Arrived CWE: 8/14/01
Arrived DWF: 4/7/06

Corporate D-X
Heels Of Mortis
Embodiment Of Evil

Title History: (CWF)
Hardcore Champion (Oct. 9, 2001-Oct. 9, 2001-def Nyeka, Lost to Nyeka same Night)
Hardcore Champion (Oct 23, 2001-Dec 9, 2001-def. Nyeka, Lost to Lord of Hardcore)
Internet Champion (Dec. 9, 2001-Feb. 2, 2002-def. Damien Death, Lost to Outlaw)
Combat Champion (Jan. 20, 2002-Apr. 25, 2002-def. Outlaw, Lost to Damien Death)
Undisputed Champion (February 16, 2003-February 16, 2003-def. Nexus, Lost to Kefka the same night.)

Brutal, sneaky, deceitful, a real biatch

Garden of Eden (hurricarama)
Garden Spider (Modified Boston Crab)
Vine of Death (Clothesline)
Leg Drop
Baseball Slide
Drop Kick

Planter (Power bomb) The Poisoner (DDT)

Arch Nemesis:

Mega Slammy Awards Won:
Best Catfight with Viper Sept 2002

History :
The early Years

Born to a well to do family in the middle of Dallas, Texas; Danielle was the only child of Roger and Mildred White. Roger a CEO of a multimillion dollar oil company, and Mildred the daughter of the late Jason Rigsby, a pioneer in the oil business in Central and East Texas.

The apple of her father’s eye
Danielle was a peaceful loving child that never met a stranger; the apple of her father’s eye. He would often take her to work with him, where she had most of the men wrapped around her little finger, the office catered to her as they catered to her father’s needs. The women in the office were always complimenting little Danielle on her clothing, she always seemed to wear the best, never a hair out of place, never a string hanging from any article of clothing.

The Tragedy
One peaceful autumn day Danielle came home from school, as she did any other day. She bounced out of the limo and up the walk way to the house; she was expecting to see her mother standing at the door to greet her, as she always did. But this time she found the door locked and the house quiet. Danielle patiently rustled through her backpack finding her house key, thinking her mother had gone to the market or perhaps had met her father in town for something. As Danielle walked in she heard a sound coming from the other room, she slowly walked around the corner to see her mother sitting on the sofa crying uncontrollably. As soon as Danielle walked through the doorway of the living room she was met by a man. A man she didn't know, a man with a gun. The man grabbed Danielle by the throat and swung her little eight year old body around like it was a rag doll. "What's your name?" The man demanded. "D-D-Dan-Danielle." Danielle replied as she began to cry. "Danielle do you love your mommy and daddy?" The man asked. "Y-Y-Yes." She replied. The man then laughed to himself and asked Danielle, "Has your mommy and daddy ever made you mad at them?" Danielle had become over taken by her fear as the man walked around her mother, running the gun along side her face. "Y-Y-Yes" Danielle replied. "Please don't hurt my mommy, mister." Danielle said. The man just looked at Danielle and smiled. "How old are you Danielle?" The man asked. Danielle held up eight fingers to where the man could see. Finally Danielle's father spoke to her, "Danielle my angel. Daddy wants you to know that no matter what happens to me and mommy we love you very much." Danielle looked at her father with nothing but love and very softly said, "I know daddy." The man then punched her father in the mouth and screamed, "Shut the hell up!!!" Danielle ran for the man with the gun and kicked him in the leg. The man let out a loud yell and knocked Danielle to the floor with one hit across her face with the back of his hand. "You stupid little girl." The man said as he turned toward Danielle's father and pulled the trigger of the gun. Danielle's father was knocked to the floor by the force of the bullet racing through one side of his head to the other, splattering blood on Danielle as it exited his head. "DADDY!!!!" Danielle screamed. Danielle's mother began to sob loudly and yell at the man with the gun. "You see what daddy's little precious angel caused!" The man yelled at Danielle's mother. The man looked at Danielle and looked at Danielle's mother, he then smiled at Danielle as he raised the gun to her mother's face forcing the barrel into her mouth and pulling the trigger. "MOMMY!!!!" Danielle screamed. The man then raised the gun to Danielle and told her if she wanted to live that she must do what he said. Danielle looked at the man with all the hatred that she could muster in her little body and said "You are a bad man!" The man just laughed at Danielle as he ripped her clothes off. Danielle fought as hard as she could, but she was to small and to weak to fight the man off. After the man had his way with Danielle he then dragged the bodies of her dead parents out to the garden, made Danielle begin digging their graves and buried them both.

The Search
A search was conducted for little Danielle. After months of searching and turning up nothing Danielle was believed to be dead and all hopes of finding her body were gone. The entire city of Dallas mourned Danielle and her family, as memorials were held for little Danielle after the search had been called off.

The CWF: Fifteen Years Later
A young woman enters the CWE, by the name of Poison. She is 23 years of age, and has been living on her own since she was 8. An independent woman, a vigilante, and determined to become a dominating force. Poison was Danielle, taking the name Poison to symbolize the destruction of her life; the same way poison does to anything it touches. Danielle had been haunted for years by the death of her entire family by this unknown man and she couldn't think of anything but pain and destruction on those she met that she for some reason took a disliking to.

The Slayer
The CWE was riddled with vampires, demons, and other creepy crawly things, two factions stood out those were Bloodsyn and The Sabbat, both factions contained vampires and Poison was determined to stop them dead in their tracks. Until they stop her dead in her tracks.

The Death of Poison
Kizmat kills Poison, after an altercation.

The Ressurection
Shadow whispers in Poison’s ear, he commands her soul to return. A ring of fire surrounds both Shadow and Poison as Shadow addresses Bloodsyn, Shadow and Poison both then disappear from the ring.

The Rebirth
Shadow was unsure of why Poison called to him, she explained he was the only one that could help her and that he didn’t understand his full potential as of yet. Her watcher Arlid could help him understand it. With it that said Shadow tells Poison he has a gift for her, he puts his lips to Poison’s as a bright white light shoots from Shadow’s mouth to Poison’s. She tries to fight it, but is unable to. Finally she passes out, once she has awoken she shoves Shadow against the wall demanding to know what he has done to her, he explains that he has given her a very special soul. The soul belonged to an offspring of a vampire and a demon, giving Poison the traits of both Vampire and Demon, along with their strength’s she also got their weaknesses.

Post CWF: The Disappearance
Poison disappeared from the CWF one day…no one knew for sure what happened. Turns out Poison had finally found what she had been looking for…the man with the gun…the man that changed her life so many years before…the man that was now part of Poison. She felt the cold chill of evil course through her veins as she sank her teeth into the man’s veins. She would take him to the brink of death, making him suffer by keeping him alive to torture as often as she pleased. For two years Poison tortured the man, finally one day she turned to him and asked, “You tortured me for years, you ripped the only people that ever cared about me away from me, now it’s my turn.” Poison pauses as she sees a tear form in the man’s eye. “What’s this you are going to cry like a little baby?” The man struggles to take a deep breath. “Please, don’t do this…I have…Poison cuts the man off as she thrust her mouth onto his neck. The man begins to shake and convulse as Poison’s needle sharp fangs pierce his jugular vein. The man slowly begins to stop moving as all life is drained from his body.

The Death of Poison
After the death of the man, Poison felt as if a part of her had died. Of course it wasn’t a literal death, but a metaphorical one…she had accomplished what she had set out to do, and was now left with nothing. Poison could only think of one thing to do…return to something she had grown to love, something that had also changed her life, something she was good at…WRESTLING!!!

The New Birth
Poison knew if she was going to return she would have to have greater passion, a greater desire than ever before…she would have to be reborn from the ashes of her old self into something new, into something that would put fear in her opponents. Poison smiled as she thought of the mythical bird The Phoenix…she would not only study this bird and its powers but she would be reborn as The Phoenix, with only one slight difference.

The DWF: The Emergence of The Poisoned Phoenix
A new chapter begins for Poison in the DWF.