Mr. Smash

Mr. Smash


320 lbs

Parts Unknown

In ring exprience:
2 1/2 years (so far)

Kinda like the guy who says... HERE'S JOHNNY! but is more demented!


Used to be with Kane2000 and Jason as part of the V.I.P, but split over a year ago due to personal differences. He formed an alliance with Undead Enigma on CCW! Nickname: The "PSYCHO" One!

SmashBomb! (A diving variation of the Jacknife Powerbomb or a normal Jacknife powerbomb with the opponent going through a steel chair)

Secondary finishing move(s):
Chokeslam, Jackhammer, Running knee lift to the throat!

Basic moves:
Clothesline, Gorilla Press Slam, Swinging Neckbreaker, Impaler DDT (with IMPALER being the emphasis as he injured at least 30 people from this move alone! and killed half that figure) Yakuza Kick, Spinning Wheel Kick, Rock Bottom, Elbow Drop, Choke, European Uppercut, Texas Cloverleaf, Two Arm Chokehold, Turnbuckle splash and Inverted suplex.

Main Strengths:
Power and Technical

He has immense strength and no fear within him as he's a total psychopath capable of anything!!!

Born out of poverty in London, a simple young boy named Simon Petrovski was in a family of 8. Growing up in Peckham, he learned to survive rough. Sometimes, he didn't even get to sleep in his own home, he slept in cardboard boxes in the streets, slept in dog kennels, basically sleeping rough. his parents weren't proud of him, he weren't exactely popular and his grades were failing him!

His parents also abused him at their accord. So, he picked up his killing abilities at 6 years old, while his parents were asleep, he doused some lighter fluid inside the house, stepped outside and torched the place down, killing his abusive parents. since then, he went into detention units in order to have some respect and sense slaped into him.

But nothing could've been done as when he got older, he started killing and killing. Then moved into the worlds of mass murders, mass robberies, homicide, genicide, rape, necrophilia and other fields! his criminal record is something only he could boast about!

Since leaving prison, he signed up with the JCW organisation. he quickly rised up the rankings before capturing the World Heavyweight Championship, nearly killing his opponent in the process! Since the company folded, he tried out at UWA and won the Ravage title before they too went out! So he went into CWE, missing out on the Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship to CCWs own Kane2000. But he captured the World Tag titles with Kanes brother Jason and the 24/7 Xtreme Hardcore Championship! But since then, he won the world title on 3 seperate occasions as well as 7 more reigns as Tag Team champion!

Since then, he looked to CCW. But with Kane2000 doing successfully and the fact that his ex girlfriend Joanne, left Smash to be with Kane2000 (and eventually marrying him!) Smash vowed vengeance on the one man who was meant to be his best friend and looked to stop his dreams of being World Champion and to also stop him from having a family!

Three kidnap attempts were foiled by the FBI as Smash was taken into custody, but was then released by the FBI. but that didn't stop him as Kane2000 was screwed out of the North American title by Smash! He then faced Kane2000 in a Hell In A Cell match (which also had a briefcase hanging above the cell, with a contract guarenteeing the winner a match against whoever they wanted!) Dispite all his attempts, Mr. Smash lost the match and Kane2000 went on to win the World Heavyweight Championship, therefore, his objectives failed! And with the first child being born, Smash failed again!

Looking to continue to be a constant thorn in his side, he alligned himself with Undead Enigma as part of his Dark army! He was one of those responsible for the massive war at the White Ivory against the forces of Reaver! Whilst doing so, he also wreaked havoc on the CCW roster, injuring people and winning matches! Although losing out on the DeathCage title, Smash proved that he was hungry for gold!

Eventually, he won his first CCW title, under the guidance of Undead Enigma (who became Smashs mentor!) he won the Total Retribution Heavyweight Championship in a tournament! He then proved to be a dominant champion with successful title defenses! But, in a TLC match (and with a controversial finish) he lost it to his arch nemisis, Kane2000!

Smash now looks to continue to dominate in the DWF and as he knows that Kane2000 and Jason are here, he'll look to continue to be the thorn in the side of them two! As well, he'll look to reunite with his mentor, Undead Enigma as he feels that there's more to learn from one of the best!

What can Smash do that hasn't been done? Look soon, because the PSYCHO ONE is here to stay!!!!

Sonne by Rammstein

Championships won:
CCW Total Retribution Heavyweight Championship (1, first ever!)
CCW Total Retribution Cup (2006) (to go with the championship)
UWA Ravage Heavyweight Championship (1, first and last)
JCW World Heavyweight Championship (1, first and last)
cWe Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship (3)
cWe 24/7 Xtreme Hardcore Championship (14)
cWe World Tag Team Championships (8. 2 with Jason, 2 with Kane2000, 1 with Kay-9, 3 with C-Man)
XPWE King of Hardcore cup (2005)
XWO World Heavyweight Champion (3)