Kade's Bio




275 lbs.

The Demon in Black

Covert, Michigan

Entrance Song:
Go to Sleep by Eminem, Obie Trice, and DMX

Amazing strength and lightning fast speed for someone of his size. Also very skilled in submission. Out of the ring has the ability of controlling fire and lightning with the ability to heal quickly.

Many people know the story of Kade. He has made an impact in many federations and is very well known through out the world. Yet few people know the back story behind the man. Kade is typically a loner most of the time. However growing up in Covert, Michigan brought on many things in his personality. He is also a quick witted which usually gets him in trouble. After being out of the public eye for quite a bit of time Kade has returned for the thrill of the action.

Fighting Style:
Uses a lot of power moves but is also skilled in submission and can take to the sky. Also is known to use boxing techniques.

The Last Ride: Kade stands beside the opponent once the opponent is in position Kade jumps into the air almost horizontally and grabs the neck of the opponent then drives him face first into the mat.

Its Lights Out: This is basically a triangle choke hold. Kade will wrap his legs around the neck of his opponent and nine times outta ten Kade will pull an arm throw for an arm bar and proceed to render the opponent unconscious.

The Rise and Fall of Man: Kade gets behind the opponent wraps the opponent’s arm around his neck and Kade’s arm around his leg. Kade will then lift him up in the air spin him a bit then fall to his back dropping the opponent on his back.