Jack Breaker's Bio

Name:Jack Breaker

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 260lbs

Personality: Well if he is in a bad mood then he can be in an “intolerant” mood and be quite dangerous to approach. However despite being a tad arrogant, he always keeps his feet on the ground and is fairly laid back to whoever approaches him. Is more friendly and laid back with people he's close to with but shows little attention to anybody else outside of his circle unless they are particularly close to him. Talks very businesslike when meeting officials and tends to show little care to anybody else who greets him and making a good first impression tends to be vital depending on how he reacts. Generally out of the way and rarely shows up at the arena. However if he has bad feelings with someone, especially a vendetta or a threat to himself or anyone close to him then he will switch into a cold state of mind and will show no mercy for the threat. He can be good with words however.

Everything goes out the window in battle however, and unless he is in a 1 on 1 situation, he’ll always consider his health his first priority. In battle he tends to show respect to his opponent if he or she has a strong will and is respectful in return. If disrespectful or mentally out of Jack’s league however, Jack will show no respect whatsoever in his attacks and his attitude in the ring. His attitude is sometimes shown by acts such as a powerful shin shot across the throat, showing disregard for his opponents health.

Finisher: A man with a vast skill in striking and submissions as well as slams, he'll most likely won't have to revert to the Type R Neckbreaker for the win, due to his ability to really do devastating damage with his striking ability and his submission skills.

Type R Neckbreaker - Typical set up is that a Standing Headscissors is applied, the victim is lifted up over the back and held up by the armpits, then elevated as high as Jack can get him then dropped, and on the way down Jack executes a devastating neckbreaker to the victim. He can also set it up from behind however by standing back to back, getting low, grabbing underneath the armpits and lifting up with the legs and arms. Either way it's rarely used because of it's escapability and the fact you need a lot of power to pull it off.


Striking: A very calculating striker who can deliver a knockdown shot with a few blows, Jack's a fighter who won't trade with his opponents unless he is sure to get the upper hand. On his feet, his primary goal is to keep himself safe, peppering with hard kicks to the legs, body and on rare occasions the head then when there is an opening in the opponents, counter strike with fists then either launch an overwhelming combination of straight rights and left fists or get him in the thai clinch and throw up devastating knees. If the opponent starts to trade then he will either back out or go for a takedown or slam. Uses feet, shins, knees, elbows, fists and will sometimes head butt.

Grappling: A very technical grappler who tends to only go for grappling moves when in a position to counter or when he's significally slowed the opponent to a crawl. Has a variety of attacks but in particular he prefers to go straight for the knockout with brainbusters and piledrivers, or he will use slams and suplexes to gain positions for submission attempts. Also adept at takedowns and if he's losing at the striking game and can't escape, he'll most likely shoot in for the takedown. But don't forget that although his grappling skills are more cautious and less flash, he is still a pro wrestler and can pull off a variety of wrestling moves with ease.

Submissions: Watch out for these cause Jack is very quick in applying any submission that you can think of. Although he focuses primarily on knocking the opponent out, if he's in position or if he's on his back then he will be able to turn the entire match around and get the win out of nowhere. His speciality is chokes (that are banned in regular matches but are a massive help in no holds barred situations) but from armlocks and leglocks to STF's and Sharpshooters, he will apply it if he wants to and the opponent isn't fast enough. Also he won't just slap on a submission, he will apply it tight and slowly tighten it and if the opponent doesn't tap out in time, he won't hesitate to break whatever he has.

Other Info: Although he prefers not to, he can also fly through the air but won't do any advanced high flying moves. Instead he'll keep it basic like a diving elbow or a simple plancha. He will not put his body on the line unless furious or in extreme circumstances.

If he has to or if he is forced to, he can move pretty fast and can be agile however he will always try to find a way to weaken his opponent, then when his opponent has been slowed to a crawl, he'll go for the kill at his own pace.

Very resilient, pretty well conditioned with a good chin and will always keep moving even when hurt and bloodied.

His weaknesses? Well he tends to get frustrated pretty easily (won’t show it) if he can’t get any effective hits in, especially in violent matches and when he does get frustrated he'll shoot to kill with little regard to his own body (although he won't be foolish). Also he can't defend very well against attacks if overwhelmed and is also easy to injure and slow down. Quite ironic that the thing he does so well is also the thing that hurts him the most. Also he’s not always consistant with his gameplan depending on the type of match.

Although he knows many moves, his favourite wrestling moves are…

Cradle Piledriver

Fisherman’s Brainbuster

Pinning Powerbomb

Side Belly to Belly Suplex

Juvi Driver

Floatover DDT,

Pendulum Backbreaker

Top Rope Diving Elbow

Inverted bulldog (running or off the second rope)

Anklelock (will always drop to one knee, and the knee will always be on the back of the free knee of the opponent to remove any chance of escape)

Over the top rope plancha (Only when necessary)