Gideon's Bio


Immortal angelic being



Regeneration, can phase shift, invisibility, Redeemer's touch which is a power he has that when he touches you, he makes you relive a point and time you killed someone and makes you feel the pain ten fold. Can surround his hands in chi energy making his hands deadly weapons.

A holy sword that has the power to ressurct and heal people. can hit ethereal creatures, shoots lightning and is unbreakable

The Redeemer - Modified version of the Walls of Jericho.
Holy Redemption - DDT
The Avenging Angel - Moonsault
The Deliverance - Reverse Stunner
Falling Angel/FU
Angel's tear/windmill kick


CWE Darkweight champ 1

CWE impact champion 1

CWE Undisputed champ 1

Most improve mega slammy award

DWF Aggression Champion March 7 2008-July 2008
DWF Tag Champion
February 27 2008-June 2008
In the year 1999 The immortal now known as Gideon was once known as Rick Ricochet Benitez. Once a vigilante he took the law into his own hands after the death of his best friend by the hands of Stonecold. Gideon grew up in the streets and knew his way around. His favorite weapons were his two uzis which he used. The night Gideon died he had an encouter with Stonecold who was about to embrace a girl which reminded Gideon of his sister. Gideon shot Stonecold with his uzis having no effect on Stonecold. Gideon then charged Stonecold. Stonecold picked him up in the air and bit him. while that was happening Gideon heard a voice in his head telling him it was time. Stonecold killed him and the girl. Gideon found himself in Hell chained up and again he heard the voice telling him it was time.

Next thing he knew Christ was standing before him telling him its time to begin a new life as Gideon savior of the innocent . Christ squeezed his wrist and blood came out of the wounds where the nail used to be.The blood fell on the floor and turned into the sword of the spirit nazarene Christ took the sword and cut the chains and released Gideon from hell and handed the sword to him. Gideon woke up in the hospital but the power of the sword was so great that it caused the machine that was supposed to keep him alive to explode. Gideon's body was incinerated by the fire. the sword began to glow and an aura surounded Gideon's ashes. With his ashes a new body was formed.No longer Rick Ricohet Benitez he wondered the world as Gideon hunting vampires and demons.

Gideon had disappeared from the wrestling scene When the call for heroes was put out By the Statesman Paragon City’s' Hero in Paragon Road island. He was sent there by the Angel Gabriel Along with him followed his sister Cassandra his Brother Xiang Long as well as his friends Trigger happy, Shadow Wraith Gabriel Seraph And Eternal. There he met up with the mysterious Dr. Mysterio. Gideon and his friends helped clean up Paragon city from the gangs and Arch Villains that were there. Gideon found out that Stone cold had followed him while he was investigating some disappearances. Stone cold had killed the cultists known as the Circle of thorns then fought Gideon. Gideon eventually got the upper hand and Stone cold escaped.

Months later Gideon was summoned to an alternate earth known as Enoch Earth by his alternate self. There he had found out that Stone cold had joined a Villain group known as the Grigori. Gideon had fused with his other self to take on an evil Goddess with the combined help of the Grigori and their alternate selves. Gideon had returned to this earth only to find out that his contact Azuria was missing. Gideon’s' sister convinced him to get a mystical lamp. He had guarded the lamp and faced a Villain known as Thaumaturgy. Gideon found out that Thaumaturgy was once a hero. The holy warrior Had joined forces with the heroes known as the Caper Brigade in order to stop him. At the same time he had faced a woman known as Devils plaything. Gideon delivered the Redeemers touch to her in order to get some information. The woman became mad.

While she was in prison the Capers' enemy A demigod known as The Immortal had freed her and bestowed new powers in order to destroy Gideon. She then changed her name to Swan Song. Immortal gave Swan a way to take away Gideon's powers. She managed to remove his powers leaving him weakened. Gabriel Seraph took Gideon’s life at his request. His sister Cassandra then inherited the sword of the spirit Nazarene. Gideon soon found out that his sister wasn't really his sister but a construct of Thaumaturgy. Gideon Died and was brought back when his real sister and his friends mourned his death.

Gideon helped the Capers find their leader who Swan had kidnapped. He had found him and took him to the other Capers. They then searched for Thaumaturgy who was hidden in some building bringing forth the end of life it self. Gideon and the Capers found him and they fought him though he was to powerful. Gideon had to fight without his sword and used a sword that Thaumaturgy gave him. Thaumaturgy had killed Swan Song. Dr Mysterio then sent a telepathic message to Shadow Wraith to get the magic lantern. Shadow Wraith fought with the fake Cassandra who had Gideon’s' sword and figured out how to use it against good creatures through sheer force of will. Shadow Wraith took the lamp and threw it on the floor Shattering The lantern and releasing Thaumaturgies' soul. Thaumaturgies' soul touched the fake Cassandra and she fell over lifeless The soul then returned to Its body. For the first time Thaumaturgy felt regret and thanked Gideon for showing him that one Hero can make difference. Gideon then knew that he was chosen as the earths eternal Guardian and Hero. Gideon killed Thaumaturgy.

All that was left was the philosophers stone that he had used. Shadow Wraith had teleported to where Gideon was and gave him his sword back. Gideon walked up to Swan Song who had her throat ripped out. The Holy warrior then cut his wrist letting some of his blood fall into her wounds making her an angelic being like he did with his sister. Gideon then resurrected her with his sword Gideon had soon returned to the fed where he wrestled only to find that all the creatures were gone. He went to track down Viper and his Protégé The Limit Mathew Williams knowing he would find the other creatures. Gideon had followed the trail to the DWF.