D.W.F. Hall Of Fame

I'm sure we'll be filling this up throughout the game and for the first entrant, it's someone that I know alot of us were very close to, and someone that will never be forgotten, Kadic Sadistic.

He had to be in this, the DWF Hall of Fame. Standing tall and proud

Kadic Sadistic aka The Flava

Overkill(testdrive), Death Sentence(Houston Hangover) and Extreme Gore(Lastride)
The nWo
1 time Impact Champion, Undisputed Champion
For me to know and everyone else to find out

A demon of extreme power that shares a common ancestor with Fates Child aka Khoi and is infact his half brother. He's an extremely Sadistic person as his name implies and enjoys in the suffering of others especailly when it at his hands or he can do some thing to further their suffering. Will destroy those who stand against him and will torture those who stand at the way side. To him you're either with him or you're dead. Kadic Sadistic is also the originator of the Pimp Juice and the Real Deal. If you have to ask which either of them are you don't deserve to know. Oh yeah HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!

Jack E. Breaker

The first inductions to the D.W.F. Hall of Fame won't come as a surprise by any means to any fan of this great sport and the first inductee's name is synonymous with excellence and dedication to the craft and this organization. This superstar, because there really is no other way to describe him, personifies the pure talent that this man possesses and that man is none other than "The World's Superior" Jack E. Breaker!"


Our second induction has become synonymous with the excellence and dedication to this sport that has served not only to raise the bar but to elevate the spirit of wrestling it to new heights, respectability and popularity wherever there is a tv and fans like you that come out time and time again. This star and next inductee has shown shown a reverence to this organization that has punctuated a successful career that has cemented a legacy and stood the test of time. Fiercely determined, this star's ambition and tenacity has earned a reputation of being a controversial main eventer, driven to reach for that gold ring every time that bell is rung and doing so by any means necessary. This controversial inductee has a name and she goes by Viper!


This induction if to honor one of it's own, a man that has been one of the most controversial and confrontational superstars on the roster. He has been described as ruthless, cold and calculating, a man that in effect would and did kill his one time best friend to capture the Undisputed World title

He made a vow when he first entered the Dwf and that was that he'd take on anyone and everyone, Gojinn put everyone on notice. Not interested in making any friends, just making a name for himself, Gojinn has done just that and more. Labeled arrogant, the man in truth is confident in his talents and ability to go toe to toe and head to head with industry giants, sometimes battling two at a time as was seen in his battle against both Cerberus and Big Joe!

Gojinn has earned the industry's respect for his achievements and for those achievements, the Dwf honors him tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, your third inductee into the 2006 Hall of Fame is King Gojinn!

DWF Hall of Fame honorably inducts Dalkiel. The Demon Prince's sadistic and unorthodox ring skills in gameplay sent chills down the spines of his oppoents. A brilliant story writer and artist.

Dalkiel has held onto the Undisputed Wrestling championship on many occasions and has won countless awards.

Damien Death