Devin Reilly

Name/Wrestler’s name:
Devin Reilly


June 9, 1982



Brooklyn, New York

Billed from:
Seattle, Washington

Alignment: Face

White t-shirt, red plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves, stonewashed blue jeans, generic black leather belt, black Converse All-star sneakers.


Very easy going and affable. Appreciates anyone who doesn’t give him any trouble and respects those who respect him, though he may mess around with those people jokingly. He doesn’t really care for too much in regards to what he may deem as tangibles, such as politics, education and popular culture, though sometimes he may blatantly insult such issues comically.
He does, however, care for the well-being of a vast majority of people, whether they are liked or disliked in the eyes of other people. He is somewhat self-conscience about his drinking and smoking and would always show up to a match, special occasion, or anything of that sort sober in respect for everyone who may be around him.

Hair style/color:
Long, straight dirty blonde.

Facial hair:
Five-o’-clock shadow.

Eye color:
Intense blue.

Above average; compact.

Celtic/tribal artwork on right arm (sleeve). Link of image:

Favorite weapon(s):
Steel chair or kendo stick, though he doesn’t very much like to use weapons unless in some sort of danger or if the odds are heavily against him.

Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Shawn Michaels

“Saints of Los Angeles” by Motley Crue:
"Tonight, there’s gonna be a fight," "So if you need a place to go," "Got a two room slum, a mattress, and a gun," "And the cops don’t ever show…"

Entrance moves:
Generic walk down the ramp and climbing of the steel steps before entering the ring. If the opponent is in the ring, he will keep a concentrated stare at them. If there is no opponent in the ring, he will play to the crowd on the turnbuckle, raising up his arms, and flashing the iconic devil horns.

Entrance lights:
Strobe lights and a few colored lights flashing in the arena, dimming and brightening to the beat of the song.

Pyrotechnics: N/A

Strikes: Kitchen Sink , Yakuza Kick, Flying Forearm Smash, Running Knee to Head , Ric Flair Chop, Chop Block, Clothesline from Hell

Northern Lights Driver, Complete Shot, Judgment Slam, Final Cut, Brainbuster DDT, Jackhammer Suplex, Alabama Slam, Half-Nelson Facebuster, Impaler/Unprettier, Pendulum Backbreaker with added elbow smash to opponent’s ribcage, Edge O’ Matic, Samoan Drop

Sharpshooter, Boston Crab, Chickenwing Crossface, Armlock with Bridge, Ankle Lock, Clover Leaf, STF Top of turnbuckle: Supercutter, Powerbomb into corner, Super Powerslam, Spinal Tap into announce table or regular table or other breakable object (where applicable) Planchas: Moonsault, Frog Splash, Diving Headbutt

Double team moves:
Spike Piledriver, Double DDT, Alabama Slam/Clothesline combination

In-Depth Analysis of in-ring style:

Technical with the use of many submission holds, but favors a defensive style over an overly aggressive posture with reversals, blocks, etc. before coming in with the high-impact grapples and the rare top rope splash/plancha. As such, Devin can take much damage from his defensive tactics, as well as garner a great offense that starts off as a defense, but takes an opportunity for an offensive stand the precise moment that it presents itself.

In any straight up fist-fight, he is average at best, and would be able to hold his own, but would eventually succumb to the pain and lose a fist fight. If there is something that absolutely drives him to fight, then he would put everything he has into the fight in order to obtain the upper hand, but even in this case, he cannot fare too well against the most elite strikers, or even those below them, in almost any instance.

In a struggle or a straight up wrestling match, Devin has a sort of sixth sense in this type of ordeal. He can bring someone down to the floor with a makeshift slam on and capitalize easily and whilst spending very little to no energy. He has roots of wrestling and grappling all the way back to his earlier years in high school and college and he had trained it regularly in the GTWF, both in the ring and outside of it. As such, Devin is a very large threat in any grapple situation, and if anyone finds themselves in the ring with him, chances are, they’ll be taken down before they even know what hit them.

While not very fast, at least not speed-wise, Devin is a very agile wrestler, and can be able to dodge a fair share of punches and kicks thrown at him. He can also jump a decent distance and be able to move from side to side fairly quickly, but with added accuracy or plain dumb luck, anyone could be able to land a blow that Devin looks to dodge.

A great strength for Devin, as he knows that there is at least one way to counter, or at least escape, any hold or grapple, and exposes this every time he may be on the receiving end of any maneuver. He also follows the saying, ‘there is more than one way to skin a cat,’ in a grapple or submission terms of saying, and would sometimes be able to find a sort of unconventional back door out of a hold or maneuver by any means necessary.
Once again, his youth wrestling experience comes into play so he has a heightened ring presence, as well, and always seems to know where the ropes are and what is going on, and can also manipulate his ways of reaching for a rope when he’s only inches away in an extremely tight hold. He also seems to be a methodical thinker in the ring, though can only think of things in ‘on the spot’ predicaments a majority of times.

Another strength for Devin is his ability to find and pick apart any part of the body, as well as go after the weaknesses of his opponent. He applies every hold as tight as he could, with as much force as he can muster to put pressure on the spot that he may be dealing damage to, and just as it seems as though the hold couldn’t get any possibly tighter, it does. Devin also knows how to keep plenty of pressure on an opponent in a hold whilst moving away from the ropes, which would help his cause for taking out any limb or muscle he’s aiming for.

Though not a ‘natural’ high flyer by any means, Devin can still use his 237 pound frame to drive an elbow or even his whole body onto his opponent and cause a good deal of damage. He likely won’t always rely on his aerial tactics to put anyone away, but if the opportunity presents itself, he would take a chance. Also, Devin would do a few planchas or splashes in order to simply entertain the crowd, which is what he’s in the ring for, which would in turn boost his adrenaline. The only real weakness with his use of aerial tactics, aside from lack of jumping ability, is his want to go as high as he could, which could give his opponent an extra split second to move out of the way.

Along with the use of his fists and striking, his ability to use weapons is his greatest weakness. He cannot find any real ‘sweet spots’ with his use of weapons, and with good reason: he normally wouldn’t wish to use a steel chair or any foreign object to injure someone unless he is heavily outnumbered or is desperate to put someone away anyway. He is very much better off, at least in a one-on-one confrontation, using technique, grapples and submissions, rather than a weapon.

Possibly Devin’s greatest strength in the ring and in any confrontation. Through his famous wrestling career, he has been through hell and back - several times over, at the same time. From Royal Rumbles to Melee Chambers and TLC Matches and matches that spanned halfway through Manhattan Island, destroyed buildings and all, and everything else in between, Devin really knows how to hold himself up and get himself back into any situation. If anything, Devin becomes a much more better wrestler as the time of the match progresses and becomes much more harder to put down for a pin or submission or KO from all of the blood and adrenaline pumping through his veins - and onto his clothes in some situations. He knows his way around a chair shot or fifty, and is more than able to recuperate from almost any brutal beating and toss himself back into action. If he ever finds himself in any submission hold at any point of any match, Devin would do more than his very best in order to simply survive and fight the pain while he attempts to break the hold or reach a rope so he can live on to wrestle for however much longer the match may go on. His durability has reached the point where Devin can use a limp to his advantage without feigning injury or faking out an opponent.

Finishing/signature moves:

Main finisher:
Devastator (Powerbomb to Facebuster)
Alternate finisher:
Spinal Tap (Modified Rockbottom. Along with the normal Rockbottom set-up, he hooks the victim’s right leg with his left arm. In the process of the Rockbottom, he makes a 180 degree turn. If that description wasn’t clear enough, just think of how a Sambo Suplex works, and that’s pretty much it, just it’s more of a horizontal thrust than a diagonal one.)

Submission finisher:
Facemelter (Crippler Crossface)
Aerial finisher: High Sign (Shooting Star Press) (To signal for this, he’ll take off his shirt and toss it to the crowd)

The Reilly Factor (Double arm DDT, added with a legsweep sort of like the Downward Spiral, the landing causing his opponent to land in a sit down position, with landing their face on the floor in between their own legs. Devin himself lands on his knees as a result of the powerful sweep.)

Rockstar Parking (High-powered, full sprint Bulldog with a little bit more snap on the neck. It can be done on a chair or even through a table given the circumstance.)

Triller (Hip toss with added leverage so that the opponent would land on their head like with a Jackhammer Suplex.)

Signature: Pentatonic Plunge (Kitchen Sink into Brainbuster DDT)

Double-team finisher: Killer Instinct [with anyone] (Double fireman’s carry into an F-5 into a cutter/stunner.)

GameTalk Undisputed Champion x2
GTWF Intercontinental Neo-X Champion x1
GTWF Tag Team Champion x4
GTWF Vanguard Champion x2
GTWF Grand Slam Champion
GTWF ‘Money in the Bank’ briefcase holder x2 [won first and second ever MitB matches]
2006 GTWF Royal Rumble runner-up
2006 GTWF Melee Chamber winner