Cerberus' Bio

Name: Cerberus

Nickname: The Inferno

Race: Half human, half demon

Height: 7'4"

Weight: 389 pounds

Appearance: Because of his demon roots Cerberus is able to take three forms, which progress as his fighting need dictates:

Human Cerberus: Long black hair and fiery red eyes are the main identifying features. He has a thin, angular face that emphasises his cheekbones in an almost skeletal way. The Inferno is very well built and has a lot of muscle, especially in his arms and shoulder area. Tribal tattoos adorn his arms and chest. He likes to wear black leather trousers, often customised with his name or the name of a title. Big black boots and fingerless gloves are also part of his wrestling attire. When not wrestling, he often wears a wifebeater and occasionally a t-shirt, always sporting a choice phrase about how Cerberus rules, or simply his own picture. Titles are usually worn over his shoulder because they have difficulty fitting around his waist.

Infernus Cerberus: Cerberus morphs into this form when he is at great risk and has no other way to defend himself. Cerberus grows a little bigger than his human persona, but the main difference is the aura of flames that surround him in this form. His appearance is essentially the same, but his whole body is covered in flame and he grows slightly bigger, his muscles as well as his height. This gives him improved strength and almost unstoppable endurance, but he cannot take this form at will, only when he is in danger.

Angelus Cerberus: This is Cerberus' ultimate form. When he is threatened with death and there is no escape, Cerberus' body automatically transforms into a fiery, winged demon. Unlike Infernus Cerberus, Angelus Cerberus is not just surrounded with fire but made of fire. This makes Cerberus' body almost hazy, as flames are always flickering around him and burning at different shades. The flame still acts like it was a solid body, but this form gives Cerberus the ability to fly as well as unreal strength. This allows him to defeat almost any force that threatens his life, but Cerberus immediately reverts to his normal form whenever the danger has passed.

Fighting Style: Powerful and roughneck, very hardcore when given the chance

Stats out of 100:

Attack Strength - 100

Grapple Strength - 100

Endurance - 95

Speed - 50

Technical - 60

Submission - 60

Aerial - 20

Weapon of choice: 5 foot steel pipe

Preferred Moves: For some kind of indication how Cerberus wrestles, the moves he uses at normal times are just in blue. Those he uses as a match wears on, either in desperation or to try and finish someone off have an asterisk by them. Cerberus' trademarks are not used until he has already had time to subdue the opponent a bit; for example, he won't go for the Beast Facecrusher when his opponent is still aware enough to flip out of the move. Finishers are rarely gone for early. Cerberus likes to methodically beat down his opponent, then use his finisher when they have hardly anything left. The Eternal Damnation is the most commonly used, the Infernus Chokeslam is the most devastating. The Hellfire is more likely to be used when Cerberus is in his Infernus demon state. Angelus Cerberus uses the Infernus Chokeslam with the added bonus of flight.

Standing - Undertaker punches

Throat Thrust


Front Grapple - Fallaway Slam

Two-handed choke bomb

Batista Spinebuster

Mexican Stretch Buster*

Back Grapple - Clothesline to back of head

Cannonball Suplex*

Release German Suplex*

Full Nelson Slam

Turnbuckle Striking - Shoulder thrusts

Undertaker strikes

Turnbuckle Grapple - Superplex

Super Fallaway Slam

Super Arm Drag

Super Death Valley Driver*

Running - Clothesline from Hell


Running STO*

Ground Head - Mounted Punches

Jumping Knee Drop

Foley Elbow Drop

Ground Feet - Big Swing

Kick to groin

Lion Tamer*

Aerial Opponent Standing - Diving Spear

Kane Diving Clothesline

Aerial Opponent Down - Leg Drop

Body Splash*

Tag Team Moves: Double spinebuster

Double chokeslam

STO + German Suplex*

Tag Team Finisher: Terminal Velocity (Cerberus hits an Electric Chair Drop on opponent while partner jumps off the top rope and hits an X-Factor style facebuster)

Trademarks: Bearhug Tombstone Piledriver (sets them up in a Tombstone position, then squeezes the air out of their lungs with a bearhug. Once he is finished, he delivers a Tombstone Piledriver)

Full Nelson Flip Driver (sets them up as if for a Full Nelson Slam but then lifts them up and flips them over an extra 90 degrees so they get dropped right on their head)

Beast Facecrusher (lifts them up across his shoulder in a backdrop position, stalls them for a few seconds, then pushes their legs backwards so they fall off face down, finishing up by putting his arm across their back and crushing them face first into the mat)

Ultimate Legdrop (gets the opponent in a hammerlock so that they are bent over, facing the floor, brings his leg up, places it across the back of their neck and then sits down, forcing their face into the mat)

Finishers: The Eternal Damnation (Last Ride held in the air for several seconds)

Hellfire (spinning reverse Death Valley Driver)

Infernus Chokeslam (Goldberg military press with hand around opponent's throat, then throws opponent off while still holding throat and flips them over into a chokeslam)

History: Born 20 years ago in a hospital where his father deserted him and his mother died after his birth. His father then attempted to have him killed but unknowingly did not succeed. At school Cerberus was an outcast but when he was 10 he encountered Plague, and they formed a strong friendship. 5 years ago, the two gained a telepathic understanding with the use of two mysterious black stones they swallowed. 2 years later Plague revealed himself as the Shadow Lord and he and Cerberus went on a visit to the Shadow Realm to meet the only man with greater power than Plague...

On his 18th birthday Cerberus revealed himself to his father and promptly killed him by hurling him out of a tower block and turning him into a human fireball. Finally, Cerberus was stuck with what to do with his life and committed two more murders when his temporary employer just wanted him to rough the customer up. Immediately after he learned of the CWE and joined, closely followed by Plague who could sense his friend's presence in the federation.

In his first event, Cerberus came close to winning the Kreature of the Ring competition but was eventually defeated by Dark Raven when down to the last two competitors. Cerberus then won the vacant ECF X-Treme Title by defeating Cinder Xavier. In the midst of that reign Cerberus was invited to join the Unholy Ministry and accepted. Also in that reign, Cerberus was dogged by the hardcore legend DNA, and was repeatedly attacked without being able to exact his revenge. Eventually Cerberus challenged DNA to a TLC and defeated him to retain his title and end the feud. With his partner Plague, Cerberus went after the Tag Team Titles, taking on Kefka and Mortismere in a TLC Hell in a Cell, which resulted in Kekfa and Mortismere walking away with the titles. Cerberus squared off against Jack E Breaker in a brutal Last Man Standing Match which ended in a draw after both men fell off a 20 foot high balcony and through a vending machine. Cerberus lost his X-Treme Title to Red Spyder in the X-Treme Elimination Chamber. Soon after, Cerberus triumphed in the War Games competition to win the Universal Combat Championship, and along with Viper defeated the Deadly Alliance to win the CWF Tag Team Titles. Cerberus' most eventful night to date came at the dual PPV's in December of 2003. Firstly he triumphed in the 10 man Battle Royal to earn his shot at the vacant Undisputed Title later that night. Then he lost his Universal Combat Championship to his Unholy Ministry teammate Artix von Krieger in a fatal-4-way also featuring Poison and Awesome Alex Pane. Finally, he took on Mischief in a Hell Frozen Over Match for the Undisputed Title and managed to use his demon powers to escape being frozen, then proceeded to throw Mischief flying into the side of the cell before escaping through the door and becoming CWE Undisputed Champion. Since then, Cerberus has successfully defended his title against such people as Dalkiel and Big Biz. At Creaturemania 4, Cerberus and Viper lost their Tag Team Titles to the team of Hellraiser and Dalkiel, but the Inferno triumphed in both his main events, defeating Xstasy 3-2 in an Ironknight Match and then emerging victorious against Ash Cinders in the Interfed Tournament to become the first ever winner.

Most recently, Awesome Alex Pane has been a thorn in the Inferno’s side. After winning a Gauntlet match in which he defeated Pane with a sneaky Interfed Trophy shot, Cerberus thought he had got rid of the Lonestar. However, it was not to be as Awesome Alex came back and challenged Cerberus to the “Pyramid of Pane” match, with ownership of the Interfed Trophy on the line. This unique structure was a pyramid suspended above a pit of fire, with the only way to win being to lower your opponent into the fire. After a brutal encounter, Pane made a death-defying leap to the pyramid controls and lowered the Inferno into the flames. With Pane in possession of the trophy, Cerberus broke out of his fiery prison a few hours later in his Angelus form but did not have the strength to fly back to either his Elite teammates or Alex Pane and crashed to the ground in an empty field, in desperate need of salvation, eventually to be rescued by Viper and Overkill.

The mysterious Wesley Dean has recently made Cerberus aware of a greater power contained within him, which until now was not being used by Cerberus. Dean led Cerberus into an underground cavern to explain about his powers but then disappeared when a group of demons attacked Cerberus. Forced to use his powers, Cerberus managed to defeat them and then use his powers again when he was in grave danger of being frozen against Mischief. This obtained him the Undisputed Title, but he still did not understand the full extent of his powers. Soon afterwards, Cerberus discovered that it was Viper who had restricted his powers, and the two had a large argument that left Cerberus in a murderous mood. His demonic side decided to pay a visit to a club but after killing several people his demonic side found itself overwhelmed by the human element. Cerberus realised what he had done wrong, and quickly made up with Viper, but almost had a relapse into his demonic side.

Soon afterwards, Cerberus was at the Dragon with Viper when he sensed the presence of Wesley Dean. The two went to confront him, but this ended up with Dean escaping while Cerberus was crushed by a house and seemingly lost his powers. Viper took him to a hospital, but while he was there Mischief drugged him and captured him. In his stupor, she got him to sign a contract for a Darkweight rules match before Viper was able to rescue him. Cerberus then faced off against Mischief, and sustained an extensive beating before Viper caught up with Wesley at ringside. Just the sight of Dean was enough to turn Cerberus back into his demon self, and after an awesome struggle he once again defeated Mischief, but only barely. Cerberus then paid a visit to the same cavern where Dean made him discover his powers, and a voice told him he must choose to be human or demon, otherwise he may find himself uncontrollably switching between the two.

The saga is not over yet. Cerberus faced Xstasy in the first ever Ironknight match at Creaturemania 4, and was shocked at the return of Mischief, who enabled Cerberus to win the match by breaking up Xstasy's pin in the last seconds. Mischief's motives were soon made clear as she asked Cerberus for a rematch for the Undisputed Championship, but the Inferno only accepted on the condition she choose a stipulation he liked. Mischief chose a Juggernaut match, which the Inferno agreed to. This match was set up for Kreature of the Ring 2004. Before that, however, Alex Arcane had offered Cerberus the chance to choose the stipulation for his Undisputed Title match against DNA. Cerberus chose a Hardcore Heaven match, but there was a catch. If he lost, he would be property of Stephanie McMahon and the ECF. If he won, he would be free of the CWE board until he lost his Undisputed Title.

At the King of Pain, Cerberus and DNA had a brutal battle, which was interrupted by Alex Arcane entering with a steel chair. He attempted to smack the Undisputed Champion with the chair, but Cerberus ducked and DNA was hit instead. Cerberus then reverted to his demon side and destroyed both Alex Arcane and DNA, retaining his title in the process. This freed Cerberus from the CWE board, but he still had his match against Mischief looming. The Inferno then found that he was unable to bring on his demonic powers, even when in mortal danger at the hands of Wesley Dean. Cerberus beat off Wesley's attack and beheaded him using his regular strength, but still could not get his powers to work. Going to Dalkiel for advice, Cerberus decided to go into the match against Mischief and hope that his powers would work. However, Dalkiel betrayed Cerberus and told Mischief that the Inferno could not use his powers. This gave the challenger the edge in their Juggernaut Match for a long time, as she used her Kindred powers against the champion and he had nothing to come back with. When Mischief had seemingly drowned Cerberus in the blood, the Inferno's powers kicked into overdrive. Melting most of the glass cell and rising out of the blood, the winged Angelus Cerberus was now Mischief's obstacle. Unphased, Mischief knocked Cerberus back down into the blood and claimed the CWE Undisputed Title from above the cell before he could stop her to win the match.

Cerberus' stay in the CWE was seemingly brought to an end when his Elite teammate Overkill took it upon himself to brutally attack both Cerberus and Generation X with a sword. While thought dead, Cerberus made his shocking return several months later in a CWF Pyrobash match against Conner Pravus for the Nethercore Title. For some reason, Cerberus has been indicating that he is after Viper, but the reasons for this are unknown at the present time. Seemingly Overkill has some involvement in this latest development, but the nature of this involvement is again unknown. Before the 2005 X-Treme War Games, Cerberus took it upon himself to launch a brutal attack on his arch-enemy, Jack E Breaker, before promising Viper that he would win War Games and then proceed to destroy her. Cerberus somehow managed to battle all the way through War Games, eventually pinning DNA and Gojinn to triumph after one of the most brutal fights the CWE has ever seen. He went on to fight Viper in a Mansion Match for the Undisputed Title and emerged victorious when Overkill intervened, throwing Viper right out of the top of the house.

Achievements History:

2 time and current CWE Undisputed Champion

War Games Champion 2005

CWE Hall of Fame Highest Honour 2005

CWE/GTWF Interfed Champion 2004

Main Eventer in two out of the four Creaturemania 4 main events

Joint record holder for most matches in one event - 6 at Creaturemania 4 (won 5 of them)

1 time TCW Champion

1 time ECF Impact Champion

1 time CWF Tag Team Champion (with Viper)

1 time ECF X-Treme Champion

1 time CWF Universal Combat Champion

Runner up at Kreature of the Ring 2003

X-Treme War Games Champion 2003

Greatest Matches:

(NB: The comment idea was stolen from Ash Cinders and Xstasy, before they complain I didn't give them credit)

Pyramid of Pane – Cerberus vs Awesome Alex Pane

My Comment: Credit to Alex for inventing this match, which gave us several innovative options for moves that I hadn’t been able to use before, which is the main reason why this match is on here. Some branding went on in this one with the hot steel and I particularly liked the modified Beast Facecrusher against the steel. AAP’s leap to get him to the controls and the subsequent brawl is also top quality action.

CWE Undisputed Title Juggernaut Match - Cerberus vs Mischief III

CWE Undisputed Title Juggernaut Match - Cerberus vs Mischief III Continued

My Comment: This was an awesome way to have Cerberus and Mischief's third encounter. The glass cells and the blood made for a lot of unusual offence, and the aspect of Cerberus' powers not being in use was really built up well. Both of us had some insane spots in this, including my ladder-assisted Infernus Chokeslam and Mischief's deadly version of Dodgeball. The finale is one of my favourite moments of all time, with the winged Angelus Cerberus rising from the blood and Mischief still managing to beat him off and win the title. Hats off to you Mis, you deserve it :)

Interfed Championship Final - Cerberus vs Ash Cinders

Interfed Championship Final - Cerberus vs Ash Cinders Continued

My Comment: This match took a while to get going but once it did I loved it. Some classic moves, loads of near falls, a fake ending, a referee knockdown, dramatic interference and the traditional long count. Not to mention the genius song lines post title battle. I think I enjoyed winning too.

Interfed Tournament Tag Team Casket Match - Johnny Perfect and Vexed vs Cerberus and Shadow

Interfed Tournament Tag Team Casket Match - Johnny Perfect and Vexed vs Cerberus and Shadow Continued

My Comment: We were all determined to show how good we were in the first round of the Interfed, and we definitely did that. The stereotypical tag team match descending into chaos, my favourite part has to be when I almost split Vexed's head open with the Full Nelson Flip Driver and then body splashed him from the top of the ladder.

Cerberus vs Mischief Darkweight Rules for the CWE Undisputed Championship

My Comment: I think of this as my "Matrix match". Mischief spent a lot of time kicking my ass all over the arena until I got my demon powers back, then we proceeded to do a lot of over-the-top moves that were brilliant fun to write.

Singles Match - Xstasy vs Cerberus

Xstasy vs Cerberus continued

My Comment: I think we did virtually every move ever invented in this match, including the longest ever Tombstone Bearhug. The Stunner is always fun to write, the "Jackhammer" cracks me up and X even used the "chewing gum" Sweet Chin Music. Don't have a clue what I'm talking about? Read it and find out why if we can't do it, it can't be done...

Heaven's Chamber Match - Cerberus vs Dalkiel for the CWE Undisputed Title

My Comment: One of my shorter matches, but it's on here because it's just so brutal. My first and only Heaven's Chamber to date, there was plenty of blood and Dalk finished it off with one of the most insane endings in history.

TLC HIAC - Cerberus and Plague vs Kefka and Mortismere for the CWF Tag Team Titles

My Comment: Only my third ever match I believe, and we're up against those two crazy demons, Kefka and Mortis. I have never seen so much oversized text, and I even got my leg broken in this one. The Eternal Damnation on Kefka from the top of the ladder on the cell through Mortis and 6 tables is still one of my favourite spots, and they still beat us. That's how mad this one was.

Last Man Standing - Cerberus vs Jack E Breaker

Cerberus vs Jack Continued

My Comment: Jack is one of my all time favourite people to work with, and this match proved why. He's so good at technical wrestling and he will literally dissect you if you get in the ring with him. This match should earn me the award for Best Use Of A Vending Machine In A Combat Situation.

Cerberus vs Red Spyder 2 Falls - 1st Fall Chain Match, 2nd Fall Ladder Match

My Comment: Another of my favourite opponents, I've fought Red more than anyone else in the CWE. I could have chosen any one of a number of encounters, but I think this one was the best. I love doing Chain matches because you get to use so many offensive tactics you wouldn't usually, and our Ladder match included another of my favourite spots, the F-5 from the top.


Smackdown Here Comes the Pain! Created Wrestlers

Yes, if you have Here Comes the Pain for PS2 you can make both human Cerberus and demon Cerberus. I can tell you're excited now..