Caleb Nightcross


Night Cross

Unspecified Immortal



Hair color:

Eyes: Glowing pale blue

Skin color: Fair

Looks to be 18

Inherited powers:
Can phase shift, turn invisible reheneration, and has the redeemers touch like Gideon

Angelic Powers:
Can heal a person when he touches them

Vampiric powers:
Siphon life he can suck a persons life force using negative energy.,

Power mimicry or absorption. Using the same negativ energy he can copy a person's powers

Siphon abilities:
Again with the negative energy he can copyy a persons skills and abilities

Avenging angel/moosualt
Holy Redemption DDT
The Deliverance/reverse stunner
The Redeemer/modified wals of jericho
The Bat out of Hell/swanton bomb
Blood doner/bull dog
Falling Angel/FU

The mysterious Hero known as Night Cross came from a future where vampires ruled the world. This Dark future came to be after the disappearence of the immortal Hero Gideon and the inprisonment of the chosen when there souls were trapped in the heart of Lilith an ancient artifact that captured souls. The Vampire responcible was none other than Damien Bloodmoon. Stonecolds sire. All who stood against him fell including the vampire Drug lord Stonecold and his daughter Maria De La Sombra. Daemon Darkthorn took Gideon and Marias son ( Whom was brought there from the past as a baby after he rescued him) and raised him to be one of the greatest warriors ever.

With the skill to rival his Father Gideon and equipped with Darkthorn's and his mother Maria's Katanas as well as Stonecold's Dual Pistols, he was dubbed the Night Cross. and continued his father's legacy. The time came when Caleb had to travel to the past in search of his father. A battle broke out in Ramirez tower when Bloodmoon and his Blood Reavers tried to intercept Caleb Night Cross. His uncles Saint and Rampage came, with the rest of S.N.I.P.E.R along with Crucifix and some of the members of the Clerics of Zion to turn the tied of battle in favor of Daemon and the rest of Stone Cold's men. Bloodmoon then intercepted Celeb before he could jump in the portal and threatened to kill him when all of a sudden a voice resonated through out the tower. Gideon had reappeared along with Stone Cold who was thought dead. Both the Vampire prince and Holy warrior struck Bloodmoon forcing him to let go of Caleb. the last words he heard was Go my son, prevent this from ever happening. he then jumped in the portal and appeared in modern day New York City.