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Dark Dreamer's Cloud
Welcome! This is a graphic site to rock the ages! ;) Okay, maybe I'm being dramatic but I'm hoping it'll definatly make an impact! You'll find dolls, blinkies, banners, icons, and hopefully more soon! I'm working on creating my own silent doll maker just for y'all so be patient and check back often! I also plan to make a blinkie maker but I also offer a blinkie making service... so yeah. Just keep your eyes peeled...

Update 11/23/04:
If you're wonder why this is dark dreamer's cloud... yet it's all rainbow... well... Dark Dreamer is currently NOT talented in making layouts or finding sites with good ones. Therefore... this was the best one I could find (I actually like this one truly but.. alas, it doesn't fit the theme) and it shall be this way til I can change it. XD If you wanna help me out, I'd appreciate you emailing me (check the soon to be appearing contacts section).

That's it for now! This is Dark Dreamer, signing off!