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Dark Ages of Camelot Compilation Site

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My Guilds Alliance created website!!!! FDTD

Reasons for playing DAOC:

Welcome to my site on the MMORPG called

Dark Ages of Camelot

, a widely dispersed game spanning all over our planet Earth. There are multiple servers for this single game, and my main characters are on the Merlin Server in the Realm of Albion. I am Youralive ButIAmDead, lvl 50 Cleric in the Guild of Justice, an RvR, PvP guild dedicated to making our realm safe from enemy attackers. DAoC has been out for over 2 yrs., and it's popularity is ever increasing due to the games new expansion pack: "DAoC: Shrouded Isles", which debuted last December, which has also been a smash hit. The guild I belong to, From Dusk Till Dawn is not based upon the book, or the movie, both of them rocked though. The name entails what we do, we play from dusk till dawn. I, with 8 other members of FDTD took part in a keep raid at 3:00am once, and it was fun as hell. People from all over the world play, so you can find people on early in the morning, and late in the night. If you play DAoC, then you know what I mean, it is a truly addictive game. It can also be brutal for people who have no patience. There are 50 Levels, and I am now lvl 40, but to get to 40, I had possibly died thousands of times in the course for my lvling journey. My class is that of a Cleric. My primary task: To heal my fellow realmmates, buff them to make them stronger, and I can even ressurect the dead realmmates, and give them life once again. The Cleric class is a fun class to play with, although, it can be very tedious at times. I am going to give you a walk-through, very briskly upon how to lvl a cleric, PROPERLY. But first, a quick pic of an in-game screenshot of my guildmates hanging out with the enemy in a positive way.

  • LVL 1-5: Anything and everything Blue or Green (I will explain the colors in a moment.)
  • LVL 5-15: Try grouping with levels 1-2 lvls above or below you too fight Orange cons to you, will be easier and more XP. (Experience Points)
  • LVL 15-17: Here is where the real fun begins. You have a long range attack, your smite, and it is very effective on spirit dmg, so remember that. 15-17 were a breeze for me, and at 17.5, I hit BG.
  • LVL 15-20: BATTLEGROUNDS: Battlegrounds is your first primary contact with the enemy. If you are from the realm of Albion, then your enemy is Hibernia, a Natural Race, and Midgard, the Norsemen and Vikings. Kill or be killed. You lose no XP, but if you manage to kill an enemy player, you are awarded Realm Points, which can later be turned in for special realm abilities which shall prove very useful if you use them wisely. Battlegrounds is for LVL's 15-20, 21-25, 26-30, and 31-35. The best part is if you are lvl 23, you will be in your "LVL Zone", meaning, you will only fight lvl 21-25 enemy players. This offers you a better chance to live and be successful.
      1. From level 15-35. you can Do BG, but do not forget to level along the way. That is the whole point of the game, to eventually hit Odin's Gate, Midgards Realm, or Emain Machia, Hibernia's Domain
      2. Level 15-21 makes The Tomb of Mithra a great lvling Dungeon. The monsters are aggressive, but good XP, and there are certain rooms with High Purple Cons which are AMAZING XP. Mithra is a labrynith, maze upon maze, so make sure you know where you are going. I myself went to adventure one time in Mithra, and found myself dead in two seconds from Favonus Facilius, a Skeleton taller than my character. It was a one-hit wonder, of course, I learned to stay away from that room, but the next day, at lvl 18, me and 4 others took him down quite easily. I suggest staying in mithra for a while til LVL 21.
      3. There are 2 places to LVL, but I prefer one better than the other. First, which is not my choice, is Keltoi Dungeon deep inside Campecorentin Forest. Directly SW of Caer Ulfwych. Keltoi is for Low 20's, to just under 32. My cleric had trouble at LVL 27 getting one hit kills on Gremlins which are yellow con to my Theurgist at lvl 23. Keltoi Dungeon, like Mithra, also offers some purp con monsters, and some of them BAF (Bring A Friend), so be ready for anything. Keltoi is EXTREMEY Aggressive, so you may find yourself fighting every step of the way to the ant room, which holds Dai, a lvl 28 monstrosity, and some muryan emissary's, big ants that are very aggressive!
      4. NEXT: The next option: Salisbury Plains, my choice. Salisbury Plains is a very exciting part of Albion. It has Slave, Slave Masters, Bandits, Salisbury Ginats, Skeletons, and more. In the dead center of Salisbury Plains is a lvl 40+ Dungeon called Stonehenge. In these walls, you enter into the dungeon known as Barrows. Barrows is a complex structure sure to give you goose bumps if you have never fought there. The first hallway after the first flight of stairs has Goblins, and they are still hard to kill at my current lvl, 44. Also present are Undead Retainers, which are blue/green to me. These two types of monsters will sometimes drop staves, but most of the time, it will be mainly money in the form of silver. Barrows is lvl upon lvl of ever increasing aggresiveness. Barrows is also very agressive, and has an EPIC lvl mob called the Templar Avenger, which you may fight at either lvl 48 or the BIG 50. As you go passed their lair, you enter further down into Barrows. The last level is home to HUMONGOUS trees, and skeletal druids, oj to my lvl 44 Cleric at the moment. Luckily, they are in the form of SPIRITS, so my smite hits them 97-100% of the time, making my melee attacks and insta spells quite effective, as well as my melee, leaving the hand to hand for only a few seconds. Barrows' lower levels deep underground spawn nicely, and groups can lvl quickly there, whether in the prince room, or doing Vigilant Souls, impish looking butterflies who are aggressive, and good XP for a 2-4 person low 40's group. There are also lich's. Celtic Sepulchre Liches are like TombWights, only, they hit harder, and they can cast on you, making for a tough solo fight. They are OJ/Red to my lvl 45 Cleric, and very tough to solo!

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