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Chains That Bind

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May the rain hide my tears and wash away my sorrow.

This girl began this site as a gift to her former Master. A place to speak about his new home. Then it was discovered that her "Master" was not what or who He claimed to be. Then it became a place where this girl could voice her fears, her tears, and her anger at the indignity done. However; all that is over now. This is now a place for this girl to express herself and write down her thoughts and experiences.

Perhaps she shall begin simply, this girl's name as of right now is Bridget, she is an unowned slave. The subject of this site is this girl's journey into her slavery, her journey to find the Master she has sought for so long.

If you have not guessed by now, Bridget is Gorean, she is proud to be a kajira, and most happy in her slavery. When she began her journey however; she was not so sure of her role and so spent many years wandering the BDSM community as a Switch. This girl was a strong Mistress and many flocked to her wishing her collar, her attention, many of them were submissive men. This was when she knew there was something wrong. Try as she might she could not bring herself to top a man, it didn't seem right, men were suppose to be strong, powerful, demanding, and in command. Soon she found herself wandering into discussion rooms and meeting people. It did not take long before she met a Gorean Master. For months He observed her, spoke with her, allowed her to serve when it pleased Him. Then one night He spoke the words that would change this girl's life forever, "You will come with me and leave behind your foolish ideas of slavery. I will make you kajira and then you will understand what your soul has been telling you, girl." Bridget's heart pounded and she followed Him eagerly hoping He would be the One she had searched for. After two months of training, much of it spent being punished, He disappeared. This girl was heartbroken and once again left alone to wander in a world where she was only half certain of her role.

Time and time again this girl sought out Gorean Masters while still remaining just out of reach. Fear caused her to withdraw and hide while in her heart she sought to become the slave she knew she was. After a year of searching this girl met a man who seemed to be the perfect Master. Intelligent, kind, strict, demanding, all the qualities she had sought. After only a couple of weeks in His company this girl begged His collar and became His slave. Everything changed. For months this girl wasted away whimpering and sobbing when she was alone. He would teach her nothing, the only position He desired her to know was she-sleen. This girl could stand being a pleasure slave, but she desired to serve with all that she was and not just her heat. Finally after a month of begging she was released. Once again she was alone.

Wandering again through the world of BDSM for over a year she bounced from Master to Master never taking a collar and never truly happy until she met the second man who would change her. He was not Gorean, but she knew He was a true Master. He treated her as any Gorean Master would, as His possession. Daily life changed for this girl as He chose her clothing, what she would do with her spare time, how much and what she was allowed to eat. He trained her, molded her into the slave He desired, she became helplessly His. For the first time this girl was completely and exquisitely happy. In RL she wore His collar, in RL was how she served even though they lived in seperate states. Nothing she did was a mystery or unknown to Him. For over a year this girl basked in her love and devotion serving her Master with all that she was. All too soon however His business took Him away. He would be gone for weeks or even a month at a time without word. One night when He returned and spoke with His slave He knew she was desperately unhappy and knowing that she would never beg release He gave it to her. Never has this girl been so utterly devastated. For the next 7 months she lived day to day wishing for something she had lost. You can imagine what happened next. She met another Master.

This man seemed to be the picture of perfection. He was kind, loving, harsh, and very demanding. Bridget admits that all too soon she believed that she had found the Master who would not abandon her. After many long nights of conversation and servitude she fell in love. The man spoke to her of marriage, she was learning so she might convert to his religion. A girl was in heaven, she was to be owned RL by a man who loved and Mastered her. Such was not to be though. He betrayed her, she found out all was lies and her heart was decimated once again.

Something miraculous happened at that very same moment though. During her time in this false Master's collar she had met another. He was intelligent, straight forward, very strong, and He knew the mind and heart of a slave. This girl knew He was something special the first time she met Him. He was confident and He spoke to her. Few Master's had ever wanted to know this girl's thoughts, but this one did. When she made a mistake He was quick to correct her with a kind but firm word and ocassionally a strong hand. Everytime He entered a room she felt her heat throb, her belly quiver, and her heart leap. The very night of "the incident" it was He who was with her. It was He who defended her and quickly sent her to His home where He comforted her. The false collar was removed and His Home collar took it's place. He told her what He expected, He told her how she would behave or she would be sold or worse yet simply released. For days this girl remained heartbroken and while she served she held back.

After giving all she could this girl has once again failed. Once again unowned and alone this girl searches for something she is certain she is meant to find.

A slave's registration

Registration of a slave