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The Holy Bible clearly tells us that when the seven year tribulation period happens, Rome will rule the world, especially Israel. The mark of the Beast will be enforced at that time. The Temple of God will stand in Jerusalem.

Rome did rule the world when Jesus Christ was born. The temple was in place. The mark of the Beast was being used. Remember how Jesus' parents had to go to Bethlehem to pay their taxes to be put in the census? Caesar Augustus made a decree that all of the world should be taxed (Luke 2). Many theologians beleive that this mark of the Beast is yet to come. They do not realize that it already took pl ace.

Jesus was taken there to the temple to be circumcised, which was a fulfillment of prophecy. It is also prophesied that the temple would be destroyed in the middle of the tribulation. The book of Revelation tells of many things that happen in the middle of the tribulation. There is a major faction in Christian Religion that does not believe the first half of the tribulation has already happened. So they condemn the Catholic Church in place of Rome, and they condemn the government for doing anything to bring peace in this world. It seems to be that their religion is based on these two things anymore. There are many who are deceived by this faction and want to draw people out of the Catholic Church.

It is prophesied that when the Temple is destroyed in the middle of the tribulation, that one third of Israel will die by the sword, one third will die by famine, and one third will be spared by scattering them throughout the world. Will the major part of religion who thinks this is not fulfulled help this get accomplished again? The whole tribulation from Israel's point of view is written in the 12th chapter of Revelation.
