Carmerethiel's Archive

Heaven May Be Hidden
Tiassale is a long forgotten goddess, but she still has a small stirring of power within her. She uses this to bribe a young Caine into trading his hidden power for a gift. Being young and not at all under- standing what he has, he agrees and Tiassale’s life is successfully extended, as well as her powers restored. Caine walks off without any recollection of his meeting a goddess until eight years later, at
age nineteen, he feels unexplainably restless and searches out the goddess behind his desperation.

“Ticket to Heaven” by Matchbox 20

I'm walkin' a wire feels like a thousand ways I could fall
To want is to buy but to live is to die and it can't take it all
When everything is said and done I won't have one thing left
What happened to everything that I've ever known?

Cause all they gave me was this ticket to heaven
But that ticket to heaven said to lie in the bed that you make
Now I'm restless and I'm running from everything
I'm running from everything
I'm afraid it's a little too late

Soft voices lie and innocence dies
Now ain't that a shame
Then all of your dreams, and all your money they don't mean a thing
When everything is said and done you wont have one thing left
What happened to everything that I've ever known?

All they gave me was this ticket to heaven
But that ticket said to lie in the bed that you make
Now I'm restless and I'm running from everything
I'm afraid it's a little too late
It's a little too late

All they gave me was this ticket to heaven
But that ticket said to lie in the bed that you make
Now I'm restless and I'm running from everything
I'm running from everything
I'm afraid it's a little too late

All they gave me was this ticket to heaven
But that ticket said to lie in the bed that you make
Now I'm restless and I'm running from everything
I'm afraid it's a little too late
It's a little too late
