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Gas / Oil Storm (whoa!)

My short version:

June 5th-movie "Oil Storm" was on FX telling about a catagory 4 hurricane that hit louisiana and caused a horrid ripple effect of events for an oil shortage-the movie was made before june 5th-it's setting is SEPTEMBER 2005! IM me if i'm not the only one who finds this intensly related to that movie.

Real Article to Read

In compelling 'Oil Storm,' we pay at the pump

What if?

Always a good question. And in cable network FX's Sunday presentation of oil-shortage mockumentary Oil Storm , it makes for gripping TV.

The two-hour movie, playing out in documentary style that looks remarkably like a PBS Frontline special, examines what could happen if a series of unfortunate events befell the nation's oil supply. What if speculators panicked and ran up the price of crude? What if the government bungled negotiations with foreign suppliers? What if, what if, what if.

The result is a startlingly scary movie, partly thanks to the smooth, familiar voice of narrator Liev Schreiber, an accomplished actor who has done voiceover work on real documentaries, including last year's Reverse the Curse of the Bambino .

Oil Storm is set in September of this year, opening as a Category 4 hurricane squeezes past Key West and into the Gulf of Mexico. The storm crushes Louisiana oil fields, tanker ports, pipelines and refineries.

Oil prices are immediately affected, with gasoline jumping to $4.29 a gallon. Don't think damage to a few refineries would make a big difference? In reality, an explosion at one Texas refinery in March bumped prices at the pump. It turns out that lone plant produces 3 percent of the nation's gasoline supply.

After the storm, there's terrorist activity in the Middle East. Aerial footage shows how exposed and unguarded hundreds of miles of Saudi oil pipelines are, and gas hits $6.09 a gallon.

Add some missteps by the U.S. government, a cold New England winter, profiteering, and then oil tankers colliding in the Houston shipping channels that serve the nation's other major refineries. End result: gas is $7.29 a gallon.

When it reaches $8.29 a gallon, it takes drivers of the biggest pickups and SUVs more than $200 to fill up. There are fights at gas stations, protests, and U.S. troops go to the Middle East to protect oil interests (stay with me, I'm still talking about the movie). Farmers can't fill their tractors or pay the freight to ship food to market. Airlines cease flying. The auto industry staggers and the auto-dependent suburban housing market collapses. What if? WASHINGTON - Oil prices jumped by more than $2.50 a barrel on Wednesday in a rally brokers pinned on fears of tight supplies at the end of the year even as they were stunned at the market's volatility. It was the seventh straight trading session in which crude oil futures have risen . "It doesn't make a lot of sense," said John Kilduff, senior oil analyst at FImat USA in New York. "But fears about fourth quarter demand are feeding on themselves and a lot of people are scared." That's not a quote from the fictional Oil Storm . That's from an Associated Press news report this week. [Last modified June 4, 2005, 06:14:28]

Read the Synopsis For The Movie (as in
What's Going On
Where To Get Cheap Gas (while u can)
A CBS Article and Video