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Realm Two : Videos I Laugh At

Here's A Load Of Funny Videos And Such

Mean Old People ( This is Hilarious )

Awesome! I just downloaded the song after hearing this. It's addicting. The video and the song. LOL. Click here.

The Fastest Way To Get The $#!^ Beat Out Of You

The Do's and Don'ts of Traffic Driving ( Keep Watching, it's actually good !)

Funny Thing..."History of Pong" (You've all played it but not known the name)

The Boss (Click here when having a bad or bored day...or u don't like ur boss and want to vent)

McDiddy's (AKA: what i would call "what would happen if a McD's was put in a terrorists' territory" which is not good.) It's funny, yet stupid, therefore it's on here. But only momentarily. Until I find a replacement video.

Backstreet Boys Are Gay (I found this a while back, but it's still funny to watch.)

End of Ze World (Love this guy's accent talking. It's great.)

Here's a Clip From Some Comedy Show (It deals with THAT voice for most movie commercials. It's 4 min long.)

If You Have Seen The Matrix: This is Funny. If You haven''s still pretty funny.

4th of July Related...Firework Factory Exploding ( 0 Injured )

A Friend Told Me About this Website after I showed them my other's one I found and thought u all may like. It deals with basketball shots that are incredible!

End Of Ze World (This is funny, gotta love the fake accent thing the guy's got going on.)

If u have seen "A Few Good Men", this clip is HILARIOUS!!!

My Car... look at the ad!

Dane Cook’s Comedy About “The Price Is Right”

F-16 - Funny and Amusing