~The OoC~
The OoC

Simply put, my name is Bri,
I am of legal age, straight and female.
IMRP adored, lusted, desired...Mature SL please, }{ 'Mature' does not mean purely sex. I want depth,...now at this point I would usually say "Nothing without consent" }{ Which would apply to most characters. Though I understand for some of my ladies; consent is just a word in the dictionary.
I enjoy long walks on the beach, holding hands and sunsets...eh who am I kidding? I am here for a good time. I enjoy exploring most aspects for RPing. I'm a fun loving, kind, sarcastic individual.
Now before you ask, "what type of play are you looking for?" I have no clue, I have several ideas floating around, but I would like to hear your's as most of mine have been played out a few times, as stated above, I enjoy exploring most aspects of RP. I, however do expect any playmates to be mature...well at least 85% of the time :-)
What I'm looking for
It has come to my attention in the past few days...yes days, since I have returned to the world of chat rooms in search of some entertainment. Some players are not polite, if you are among those...there is a small red 'x' or a blue one, at the top right hand side of your screen. Please click it...
I don't intend to come across as a bitch, but I will not tolerate rude muns. Characters...sure thing I love it...however, be prepared to take what you dish out. Now, I don't have many requirements regarding post length. I have seen a few players who demand 2-4 box posts per turn. Honey, if you can do that all the time, you have more free time than I do, I enjoy details, and it does help when I'm trying to picture what is taking place. But *sighs* It becomes an issue when I'm trying to read 3 boxes about how your char moved across the room to take a drink of water. When i've maybe got 10 minutes to read and respond before my attention is diverted, I have the attention span of a goldfish on crack... That being said I'm sure you're asking "then why do you play?" I play because I've read all my books, and the bf will not let me get more, because his closet is filled with them.
Oh, back to the post requirements, I ask something very simple...7 words or more, no joke! seriously I kid you not...7 or more words is all I want. The only reason I ask that is I have at some point or another had a playmate simply post ":he walked in..:he saw her..." I do understand that there are things that come up and you could be completely stumped as to where to go from what ever I posted. If that is the case, please let me know, I will be more than happy to post a second time to help ease the writers block.
With that in mind, if you are expecting 2-4 box posts from me, you will be sadly disappointed. I have no illusions of what I am capable of, I know that I have bursts of extreme detail and can maybe come up with a paragraph, possibly two when that happens. Beginning posts are usually larger, and I will do my best to post more if I can. If you happen to come across me using five dollar words for a fifty cent post, you have caught me in a very good mood.

I enjoy OoC chat, getting to know each other, clear the air of any expectations. And if I do not meet what you need I am sorry, however if I do tell you that, I can't provide what you are looking for there is no need to be rude, or insulting. In addition to talking OoC I am generally an open book, you can ask me just about anything, however that being said if you become too personal with your questions, I will politely decline to answer that. It's not that I don't want to share with the class... I just like to keep some mystery about me ;-) I think that pretty much sums it up...though if something else does come to mind. I will update this as needed.
Thank You for taking the time to read all of this, and feel free to IM me you are more than welcome to just start, however, the character you meet will be up to my discretion :-) Choice is your's do you want to play, 'Pick Your Princess' or are you up for Roulette?

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