Jaunie Aurilia
Jaunie Aurilia

  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Hair Color: Blond
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Occupation:Dancer (Gentleman's Club, Wild Orchid )
  • History

    Born and raised in Reno, NV Jaunie grew up an average girl with three older brothers. At 15 she started to go to raves where she met Lank and Ziggy. Ziggy gave her the name : "Baby Z". A name she loved and used quite often. She started to live with Ziggy, and soon saw him as more than another brother. As she turned 18 she moved to Hell MI, where she started working as a waitress at a local bar. After working there for a year or two she moved once more to Billingham MA where she started to train for bartending and worked at club Hell. After getting her license she moved back to Reno and started bar tending at the Wild Orchid, before moving up to dancing. Currently she pulls double shifts, and in her free time she likes to read and feed her fish. (Pathetic huh? )