Jade LongSorrow

Jade LongSorrow

~Silent Little Girl~

Silent little girl

your life so full of pain

no one knew your name

Silent little girl

beaten and battered

you fragile heart was shattered

Silent little girl

will you trust

you know nothing is just

Silent little girl

they took you away

you were shown a brighter day

Silent little girl

soar like a dove

Show that you can love

Silent little girl

you've been hurt before

please don't shut the door

Silent little girl

your life so full of pain

no one knew your name

Silent little girl

beaten and battered

you fragile heart was shattered

Silent little girl

they took you away

were shown a brighter day

Silent little girl

you choose to stay?

Jade LongSorrow

A lively 5 year old girl, long jet black hair falling just past her back...very pale skin and soft lavender eyes ... Standing around 4 feet 5 inches. her clothes loose on her tiny body, one massive pocket on her skirt, has the shape of a small ball in it, in her pocket she carries everything she needs