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The Blizzard Conquest

Warcraft (Under Construction)
Diablo (Under Construction)
Other (Links, About Me, etc.,)

July 29 - Not very much good news.

As you can tell, the updates on the site are very non-existant. I've decided that I'd rather not put you through having to look at this insanely crappy Angelfire website whilst you browse for information that simply isn't there. So as of today, I'm discontinuing updates on this site indefinitely.

As I've said, though, I won't have you people look at a crappy Angelfire website, so as soon as I get a job and the money starts coming in, I'll get an ACTUAL SITE registered. That's right, when I get money I'll start my own dot-com shantytown for you to come and look at stuff. I'll keep the site up, though, so I can tell you, my little community of possibly one or two people (excluding myself) the domain name to which I'll be moving.

July 13 - A lot to apologize for.

I realize that I've been lying to you people left and right about the updates. However, to make up for all that, I'm currently in a deal with someone else to merge this website and another. Hopefully, it'll go through so you guys don't have to visit this cheap Angelfire website anymore, but can visit an actual .com website! Yeah, keep your fingers crossed.

June 24th - Spoliers Ahoy!

My buddy "The Source" has kicked down some more pictures of The Frozen Throne that he/she found on . You can go there if you want, or you can just click here for a NEW, WORKING picture of Illidan (he's the one on the left, duh), or here for a picture of what the Undead Campaign Lobby screen will look like.

June 23rd - Hardy Ho Hum

I have some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news: My source hasn't updated me yet with any of the new 1.10 items. Good news: My source has, however, uncovered a rather flattering in-game skin of Illidan for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. Don't ask me how my source uncovered this, because as you all know, sources work in mysterious ways. Click right here to check it out.

As far as updates go, expect the Diablo II/LoD section up within the next few days.

EDIT: Little mishap seems to have occured. The site has taken down their little Illidan picture and I didn't think to save it, so I guess I'm out of luck. However, there are more screenshots my source has found of in-game stuff for the Frozen Throne which I'll be kicking down in a matter of moments. Well, now as matter of fact ...heh? (Note: Those are all separate links) Knock yourself out, kiddies.

June 17th - Um.. heh heh?

Today, I have great news. After a month of no updates, I'd like to be one of the first sites out there to list a few of the new Unique Items that will be in the 1.10 patch for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. However, I'm sure Blizzard will have a hissy fit, so I can't give you the names per-se. I'll just give you a list of the Elite items that will have Uniques for them*. I'll update that list more often as my source updates me.

Hydra Edge, Demonhead, Matriarchal Bow, Fury Visor, Vampirebone Gloves.

*Note: This information might not be 100% accurate. But hey, it probably is. My source hasn't let me down yet. Besides, it's me we're talking about here, and I'm the most trustworthy guy I know!

May 10th - Happy Mom's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there. Today's your day, now get to picking up my toys! Bwahaha! *Ahem* In lieu of Mom's Day, I've finished the Human Units section for Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (That's Warcraft 1). I'll be putting it up shortly.

May 6th - Working like a peon

I'm currently working on getting the Warcraft section up, and I'm going to be dividing it into games and expansions (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans; Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness; Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal; Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos; Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne; World of Warcraft). I don't know much about the first Warcraft game, but I'm sure I can find some info to plagiarzie.. I mean.. not plagiarize. *Ahem* So look for parts of the Warcraft section to be up within the next few days.

May 5th - What up.

No, the site isn't dead. Sorry about all that inactivity, there's lots of stuff going on.

First off, I no longer have access to the Frozen Throne beta. Don't ask me how this happened, it's a long, grueling story. Lets just say that Blizzard doesn't think things out as well as they should.

Speaking of Blizzard, however, I'm currently drooling over the World of Warcraft screens that Blizzard has put up, and I'm definitely going to sign up for the beta for that. Hopefully things work out and I'll have access to it throughout the whole time.

As you might've already been able to tell, I decided to change the index page into a news page, that way you know what's going down with me and thusly, are not left in the dark as to why there are no updates to the site every 10 minutes.

Updates, you ask? Well, I realize that you've been left in the dark for quite some time, but at the moment I've got a serious headache, so I'm not going to do the updates until tomorrow (or whenever the headache goes away). Sorry.