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My Messed Up World

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Houston - Aint nothin wrong
i havent updated this thing in a while..mainly cuz ive been in a lot of new 'friends' are now out of the picture..all cept for porky..and porky is my cousin so ya know he stays in the picture..and i realized somethin cousin chasity's husband REALLY tall..he went to give me a hug yesterday..and i didnt even come up to his shoulders..cuz i usually put my arms around peoples neck when i get a hug or give them a hug..and i couldnt do was sad..he gave me a hug tho..i felt special..idk why but hes always liked me..and shannon's husband likes me too..he calls me good charlotte cuz everytime i see him i always have my gc hoodie on..they're my buddies..eww it stinks..but anyway i had an awesome christmas..the best one ive had so far i think..heres what i xbox, a controller, the xbox live cord that lets u get on the net, lots of make up, a new computer (one dad built..but still its faster than my other one), and tim mcgraw's new cd..from my parents, from my grammy i got more make up and one of those bouster (sp) purses..and from nana i got a smelly good set, watermelon ^_^ and from grandma and grandpa i got $10 and from virginia i got a teddy bear..its so cute..either way, i had a great christmas..and i talked to cutie, nathan and john most of the got a cell phone! yay!..john leaves for denver today..and wont be back years? either way..i gotta figure out somethin so i can go to nanas for new years..i HAVE to..its a gonna go to walmart w/my ill be back later..peace

Posted by Kris at 11:04 AM CST
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Monday, December 13, 2004

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: charlie's annoying techno music up there in front of me >.<
im happy today, idk why, i guess cuz me and nathan arent fighting anymore..which is a very good thing..but yea we're suppose to do our presentation tomorrow..were suppose to do it today, but we got out of it :-p but anyhow..lastnight i was tryin to sleep and all my phone wanted to do was ring fall asleep and thing RIIIIING and it would scare the shit out of me..but yea my inner thighs hurt so bad, its hard to walk..idk why, i guess cuz i was being the slut i am (as everyone called me) and showing my talent :-p not really, its just a few incidents..meaning i got up once and ended up stratling the arm of the couch, then derek slapped my ass really hard, that still hurts..i think he bruised it..but yea..charlie is really weird..lemme tell ya about so short..aww manda finally got to see cute..they didnt do anything tho..only make out feet are like going numb..presentation time..i guess i better pay attention..this is like the last week we're gonna be able to use the laptops..oooooo candycanes ^_^...woohoo..venus *blah* wtf i cant even see blind >.< anyhow im gonna go ahead and go..i love you nana, nathan, cutie, and all my people ^_^

Posted by Kris at 12:56 PM CST
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Sunday, December 12, 2004

Now Playing: Usher - Confessions Part II
kris has had the best weekend ever..other than meeting, my parents arent happy that my new friends are all guys o.o but hey they're fun to hang out with and i fit in with em so hey why not..and charlie knows my dad from willow crest, dads not happy about that either cuz thats a mental hospital for kids, or they've been abused or its a drug rehab..either way its not good..and he was there when my parents worked there..but yea, i noticed somethin yesterday..robby and john look exactly alike when john takes his glasses off, which i have him do a lot :-p was great..omg i met his mom and dad and grandma and uncle and aunt yesterday all within an about nervousness! but then after that we went back to dereks and dakota wouldnt stay outta their room (charlie and richards) which is where everyone was..meaning me, john, derek, charlie, brianna, nana, that one guy that i know but cant remember his name cuz i only see him when im drunk..and his girl friend..we were all just hangin out and stuff and in comes dakota..he wanted to watch batman cuz thats actually what we were watchin lol..their satelite is SO cool lol..when the phone rings, after one ring a lil thingy pops up on the top of the tv and it says whos calling..its awesome! lol and some dude from africa called charlie yesterday..richard gave him his number was funny..but yea, im not gonna be updating this much anymore cuz im never home anymore, im either at nanas or in yea..oh it sucked lastnight, i was gonna stay til 12..cuz thats my curfew on weekends, or non school days..but mom had told me if i go to afton i have to be home by i got to nanas around 6 and i called her and asked if i could go ahead and stay the night, not telling her that we were gonna have another party, which is the reason we all came back to miami..cuz we can have the party on private property and not worry about the cops cuz a judge more than likely wont do anything if a bunch of minors are drinking responsibly, meaning giving the keys to stephanie when they take the first drink of a beer and u dont get them back til morning..cuz she hides them, of which i know where that is :-p..and yea, so we came back and my mom was like who all is there..and i named off a bunch of people and shes like no..i was like why?! these are my new friends! cuz shes ALWAYS complaing i never go out..and here i am out and she wants me to come screwed either way, but i gotta be extra good this week cuz i gotta go to nana's next weekend...we're havin a big partyand they all want me to be there cuz they all love derek wanted a hug from me before i left for the second time lastnight..he was drunk tho, but thats ok..yea i had to go back cuz i left my phone there..and john was like i want one too! lol and he knocked me down onto the matress..and im like ahh! and my dad was out in the cruiser so ya know i had to hurry..then while i was in there, charlie showed back up with nana, and there was already like 5 cars/trucks in the charlie was another one, and he walks up to me and hes like ya leavin kris? cuz ive known charlie for like 2 yrs..or more cuz he used to live with they both live at dereks..but yea i was like yea, i gotta leave so i gave him a hug and then nanas like bye! so i was like bye nana and hugged her too..and i was like i love you! and shes like i love you too! *aww* we just started doin that lastnight, cuz like we were in a situation and i had to be there for her, which i was happy to glad i was too..cuz she really needed it, then her mom pulled up and wanted to know what was wrong..but anywayyyyy..yea im gonna go..its 9:30 and i should be gettin a call anytime askin me to go to church and ill probably turn it down but ya know at least ill get to talk to him..well im out like a fat kid in dodge ive known him for a week and hes already rubbin off on me big time >.< either way, im out..peace

Posted by Kris at 9:21 AM CST
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Thursday, December 9, 2004

Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Static X - Push It
R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell!!!!!! its so sad that he got killed..thats one of my fave bands..and now hes gone..idiots..anyhow..things are ok not freaked out anymore..and the shit that was buggin me is now taken care of cuz i talked to nate about it..and i hurt sorry :'( ill never learn i guess..i love you more john for not even gonna be friends with him anymore..hes caused me too much and ive only known him..6 days..had to i deleted the posts i put in yesterday, cuz thats classified info and is nothing anymore..its already been taken care nature :-p and my dad had a talk with me about john yesterday, but he called him the "eighteen year old preacher" o.o but hes goin to school to be a youth minister..either way..he was sayin hes not gonna fit in with my friends and such..and that i need to stay just friends with him and i turned around and told him "ya know, im not even interested in him..i have nathan and im happy with i dont even plan to be anything more than friends with john" and hes like ok well thats good..and walked off..and this was like right after school, cuz i had asked to go to nanas and he expected john to be there, but john lives in afton..but so bored..and cold..i gotta figure out somethin, i need to go see nathan really soon..ive been such a bad girlfriend to him..i feel so bad..i dont think hell ever know how much i love him..we've been distant lately..but i think we patched that up lastnight..but idk, all of my life has been falling to peices lately just cuz of fuckin stupid decisions i make..ok yea, im gonna go ahead and go now while im ahead of the would be so much better if i were with his arms, thats the best place for me..with him..why cant i just move out and live with him or near him..what the fuck ever, i need him really bad..i wanna die :( :( :( if i cant be with him, i shall die

Posted by Kris at 12:55 PM CST
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Ministry - Psalm 69
kris is a happy kid..finally, someone likes i cant do anything with him cuz i have nathan and i love nathan bunches and bunches..i ran into john at walmart..well actually heres how this happened..i was at walmart with my parents and on the phone with cutie, and i got another call on call waiting so i answered it and it was derek..and hes like where are you? and i was like at walmart, and i was walking outside the store at that time to go to the other end cuz the damn soda machine wouldnt take my money on the other im walkin and hes like well thats cool im at walmart too..and i see these 3 guys walkin in front of me, towards me..and i was gonna walk up to em and just talk to em cuz i was bored..and next thing i know, derek hangs up on me..i was like o.o so i was gonna call cutie back and im walkin thru the doors to the entrance, and some guy puts his arms around me..and im like ahh! and i turn around and its JOHN! :-D i was like hey john!! and he was like hey..and i turn around and theres derek..and josh was with em too..and so they were like hey u wanna stay and hang out for a while, we'll give ya a ride home, so i was like sure..i dont have anything planned tonight, and it was already 9..and so they were like run down and ask ur parents if u can and i was like well hold on ill just call em, so i did and mom was like NO and i was like why? and shes like cuz i dont know them from anyone else..ive never met em, and she was basically sayin i dont know if they're gonna rape you..but anyhow i was like paleeeease and shes like her and daddy pulled up and as they were p ullin up i was huggin john and tellin him bye..and i was goin for derek cuz i was gonna give him a hug too..cuz he gives me lots of hugs..hes such a character..hes a lil streaker *porky*..but yea, i got in the car and cutie called..and i was tellin my parents about em..and i begged to go hang out with em cuz they're all really cool people, and i wanted somethin to do, and she was like no its already 9 and ur bedtime is 10..and i was like no u told me my curfew on school nights is 10 and on nonschool nights its midnight..and she made me feel like such a little i got home at around 930 or somethin, and they called and we talked for a few min and then derek is like do u want me to call u on ur home phone? and im like i ran and grabbed the phone hopin mom wouldnt see me..but she did, cuz she had already told me to go to bed..and then shes like what are you doin? and i was like someones gettin ready to call me..and then the phone rang and it was derek, and so i talked to him til about 10:15 and mom was like u need to get off the phone and i was like 5 min! and shes like ok, and she stood at the fuckin door, i was like wtf?! and derek asked me a question about the party, and i couldnt answer cuz mom was at the door..and i was like "hi mom" and hes like oh ur moms there? and i was like yea..and she wants me to get off the phone, so he was like ok can i call back on ur cell in a few min? and im like yea, and hes like 2 min be ok? and i was like 5..and hes like ok, so as he was sayin that i was bringin my cell up to me and turning it on silent and mom was like "ur not gettin back on the phone in a few min are you?" and i was like goin to bed..and she left and came back about a minute later and i had shoved my phone under my pillow cuz it lights up when it rings..and like 30 seconds after she walked out it rang so i turned my tv up really loud to where u couldnt hear me talkin cuz she had told me that if she hears me talkin my phone is being taken yea, we talked for a few min, and i talked to charlie, john, derek, dakota (dereks lil bro), and some other was fun..and john asked me out..i didnt answer him..i just casually changed the hands are cold..i wanna go to nanas tonight but we're havin some get together at the house tonight cuz dad's book got bought by some publishing company..and stuff..and yea..and nana wants me to come over cuz will is gonna be there and her parents are gonna be gone and if they come home and shes alone with will shes gonna be in deep shit so i gotta save her..and plus john may come over and ill get to hang out with my lil hes not so little..hes 18 and so yea, im gonna go look up some stuff..cuz im bored of typing, so out..peace

Posted by Kris at 12:56 PM CST
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Monday, December 6, 2004

Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: SOAD - Aerials
yea is great yall..ok so i dont remember what i was talkin about before i had to leave last time but i had to go to the wasnt as cold as it was the other years..and it didnt rain this overall it was good..and chris whistled at me..i think..cuz it was in the area hes usually at..and then we got up to my family..and my uncle tommy was like GO CHRISTINA! OW OW! and then my cousin alicia ran out and took a pic of me..haha..then mikey jo (cousin) was like yellin out im sexy or somethin and mr beard was right behind me and i was laughin and stuff..i turned around and looked and he was laughin too..cuz i got the loudest yell or whatever outta the band..cuz basically everyone in my family was there and they all yelled at me, cept my mom she said she 'couldn't find me' anyway..yea after the parade i went home and changed and fixed my hair..then called manda and had her come over and went to nana's..that party was so fun..john and billy almost faught over me..but like when john went off somewhere and came back, i was sittin next to billy with his coat on cuz i was freezing..and john's coat was sittin where he was sittin, so he came and sat down next to me, which is where his coat was..and i was still cold so i put his coat on too..and billy asked for my number and of course i gave it to him..and he even used my phone and played on it..and on my says kris <3's nathan...and hes like whos nathan? and im like my boyfriend..fiance type person..and hes like oh i see..and then later he txt me and was like..well he was basically askin if he could fuck me..and i told him no..and john asked the same thing later..but like at around 5 or 6 we were all inside and billy and stephanie and mom2 and brian and ummmm someone else were down in the floor playin quarters..and then switched to king somethin..forget the name of it, then switched to a game where u had to answer in questions or u had to take a shot..and john had come over and laid on the bed with me..and was being my 'pillow' and earlier billy had said i was his 'new friend' and i was his and only his or somethin like that..and he turned around and saw me with my head on johns head and was all cuddled up next to him tryin to keep warm cuz it was freezing in there..and gave me this look like wtf are you doin..and i raised up and he stood up and i was like well u wanna come sit over here, and scooted over to where he could get between me and john, to show him nothin was goin on..and hes like no..and so he went back to his game..and i ended up crashin next to john..and billy crashed next to brianna..stupid ass bitch fuckin kicked him off the bed..i rolled over and was like billy roll back over sugarplum and get back on the bed, and he yea, i have a habit of calling people sugarplum, hun, sugar, hunny, sweetie..all those sorts of it means nothing..unless im calling nathan baby or somethin, then yea, he is my baby..and no one else is..and cutie's my babe..but yea..and then stephanie and cherry (her real name is jerry but billy nicknamed her cherry lastnight..cuz shes 12 and a virgin..and her cherry hasnt been popped yea) went to the store to get stephanie some ciggarettes..and since they live across from the stables (a casino incase you didnt know) and the stables had a float in the parade lastnight, they had it parked like out in the road or somethin by the parking lot, so steph and cherry went up and took like 8 balloons and a 54..cuz they were number 54 in the parade..and they came back and manda was crashed in with derek and richard..and brian was on the bed behind them..and so like, me, john, cherry, brianna, and someone else, cant think of who it was..went in there and popped a balloon over their heads..and they didnt me and john just went back in the room and talked, by then the sun was coming up..and apparently steph and cherry went back in and popped another balloon and derek woke up and was like "oh shit what was that?" was funny..then mom2 and her lil erotic was moanin and shit, and like 10 of us were crackin up and she was still asleep and was like shhhhh be quiet you guys lol..and i couldnt stop laughin and john had his arms around me tryin to keep me warm cuz fuckin brianna took both of our fuckin blankets, it pissed me off..shes such a slut, well i cant say anything..cuz of yea..ok im not gonna say anymore..cuz im gonna be gettin myself into some deep shit, that i dont need to be in..haha when me and billy were up in the loft she came up there and wouldnt leave cuz she didnt want anything happening between us..and finally billy was like hey why dont u go see whats goin on down she left..but i told him i didnt wanna do anything with him so yea..nothin happened..and he was drunk to top it off so ya know..but he liked me before he started drinkin..cuz hes the one that handed me my first beer or somethin i dont remember, and i went and got mandas..but yea, me and billy went to go look at the horses and stuff that were wayyy out in the pasture, and everyone thought we were doin other stuff, cuz they know such a slut :-p im not really, maybe this summer i was..but im not anymore, i can be nathan's slut tho ;) i cant quit thinkin about fuckin someone..great..either way..i will eventually..but itll have to be that reminds me i found johns spot lastnight..its on the right side of the back of his neck..i was playin with his hair when we were layin down and talkin to him and hes like stopppp and i was like noooo and hes like oh but do u know what ur doin to me, and he pushed against me and hes like thats what ur doin to me and i was like oh! made me giggle..omg my eye is all swollen and shit cuz i got kicked in the face like 10 times..its turnin black o.o so eventually im gonna have a black star keeps stabbin me..sexyfulllllllllllllllll............................idk, dont ask..but yea..uh..we have like 15 min left in here and im bored as hell, i left a lot of my weekend out of here but some of that no one needs to know about cept for who all saw i got mardi gras :-p boy was billy pissed..but out like a fat kid in dodgeball...peace \m/ (i know i know its not a peace sign..but i like it)

Posted by Kris at 1:25 PM CST
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Saturday, December 4, 2004

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Linkin Park - Breaking the habbit's the miami christmas parade..and baxter..but i didnt go to that one..that guy probably would have found me and raped me..eww..stupid ass man whore..i dont even come off as someone who would fuck you just cuz u want to, and specially when i dont even know you..either way..but yea, after the parade im goin to come home and change and then call manda and be like ok im ready..and shes gonna come over and im gonna wait on her outside so my parents wont go talk to her mom..cuz that would ruin our time after that..but im gonna stop by sonic on thee way there cuz im gonna be hungry, after marchin like a mile or aso..and then i wont eat before i go cuz idk, i never talkin to nana right now ^_^..nate tried to talk to me earlier but i was either asleep, in the shower, or doin laundry or dishes..i dont remember, within an hour of waking up, i was doin laundry..i was bored..but i was like aww! my baby! cuz i havent talked to him in..3 days?..either way, ill get to talk to him tomorrow, probably not tonight tho cuz i probably wont even notice my phone rining..theres suppose to be a bunch of people there..and me and manda and nana are gonna be like the only girls there..but richard wont let anything happen to me, cuz hes like a big bro to nate doesnt have to worry..:) never do anything to hurt you know least i hope you do..oh yea, and lately all my friendships and stuff are goin down the drain..cutie im sorry i didnt call yesterday..i thought about you a lot, but never called..i was just busy..hope ur not mad..i love you <3..and i love nathan too <3..omg that reminds me, chris was askin me earlier "how do you know ur in love.." i was like o.o u told me u loved me over the apparently he didnt..cuz he said hes been with casey for '3 agonizing years' and forgot what it feels like..fucker..those 2 weeks this summer were great, but u had to go fuck it up..actually casey did cuz..grr im not even gonna get into that..its over now and hes just a good friend, and im happy cuz i have nathan..he makes me soo happy and treats me like a princess..unlike any other guy ive been with..oh yea, im gonna have the house to myself the weekend after time :-p..parents are goin outta town..this time im gonna try not to get in trouble with the popos..well i didnt actually get in trouble with them but came very very close to it..if the manager guy wouldnt have known me, i would have..and gotten convicted of a felony o.o that woulda been bad
**shit i gotta go, ill finish some other time..i wont be back til yea..**

Posted by Kris at 4:42 PM CST
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Friday, December 3, 2004

Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Corrosion of Conformity - Mine are the eyes of god
*i wrote this at school but couldn't get it to submit..cuz the net went i printed it out..*

wow..yet another band ive never heard of..they're ok, anyway! im happy today..but sad, idk i just cant wait til saturday..and if those plans get ruined im gonna be soo will manda..and we're gonna freeze our asses off at the parade -.- and i may have to march on the left side, and my family is alawys on the right side..and they like to cheer for you hear this CHRISTINA! SQUEAKERZ! and a bunch of laughing cuz i start to laugh and all this..ill see if i can be a right guide..idk..cuz im not good at keeping spacing cuz i dont really pay attention i usually use my parifeal (sp) finger hurts..we had to march outside today and it was like 27 degrees out..god it was SOO cold..either way..i need my people have gotten to where they ask for chapstick now cuz they know i hardly ever am without any..cuz my lips get chapped a lot, and i use that soft lips stuff, french smells so good :) but yea..i should have called nate lastnight..the net went does this a lot at least i can still type ^_^ see, a lot of times that im writing, it doesnt work, cuz the net is fucked up..die mothafucka die ^_^..i love this song..manda was like "god kris!" lol..just playin around..cuz i have it up really loud ^_^ thats me for ya..oh i just found out why the net keeps goin down, they're workin on puttin in the wireless network o.o daddy wants to switch to do i..who knows, we may, and we may not..>.< spineshank against modest mouse..metal against pop..haha..interesting combo, charlie is playin modest mouse and im on the metal station..but his is covering up mine some how..and i have mine up all the way as i said earlier..dammit!!! it stopped!!! :( oh its wearing my happy bunny socks pink ones..they say its cute how stupid you are ^_^ i cant find my blue ones..that say cant kiss. you're icky. or somethin liek that..hmm..i have to do laundry when i get home anyway so i guess i could look for em then, i made an agreement with mom lastnight that if i do the laundry and dishes every day she will pay me 20 on friday of each week..since i cant find a fuckin job..actually, grammy is talkin to the people at walmart since shes close to all the bosses, and people in accounting..and they're gonna pull my app and possibly hire me, cuz 2 of my friends got hired when they told me they had no openings for minors..omg its cold..dammit i get my radio goin and it goes down..GRRRRR! it pisses me off..oh well..all i can do is complain..oh yea, i gotta remember a site for 5th ^_^ that way i dont have to listen to launch, cuz i dont wanna watch the videos, i just want freakin music, since they dont have the cdrom installed on mine o.o idiots..we're on assembly schedule rings are turnin my fingers green again..ugh..i guess when i get my christmas money ill go to the mall on the day after.idk what to talk about, im out of stuff to talk about..but yea, i think im gonna go and either sleep or talk to manda! ^_^ the plan goes into action tonight..:-p but yea, im out..peace

Posted by Kris at 9:09 PM CST
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Thursday, December 2, 2004

Mood:  down
Now Playing: Kidney Theives - Zerospace
ive never heard of this band..ever..hmm..anyhow, i was invited to a party saturday its gonna have to be after the parade..even tho bubby said he wanted to come see me..i need to call him anyway, and see if hes still planning on comin to see me..manda may 'stay the night' with me saturday night..and we'll just go over to the party..its actually at my cousin's..but head is chemistry was cool today, we did a lab, and u heated a can up til it was steamin and u let it steam for 30 seconds and then put it in ice water..and it like crushes the can..its awesome..the group behind us' sounded like someone blowin their nose, lol..i was like wtf is that noise, and then they showed me their can..i was like o.o..cuz we hadnt done ours yet..i forgot my rings today :( todays sam's birthday and ashley's..i ran into her at walmart lastnight and she talked to my parents..but yea, dad was like "who was that?" lol, i was like ashley..and hes like "she seems nice, u should invite her over" i was like "how bout not, shes a bad word and i dont like her all that much..and plus shes into stuff u dont want me into" and hes like "oh.." and that was the end of that..nathan called lastnight and i was rather rude to him, i felt really bad..i called him back and told him iw as sorry..and then we said bye cuz he was on the other line with troy..and i cried myself to sleep..i felt so bad..and he was so understanding about it..i just wasnt myself yesterday..idk what got into me, just a lot of shit was buggin me and i felt like i needed to above everyone else, not like to today, im just down today :( i wanna cry..that was the second day in a roll i cried..and i think im gonna cry again, i feel like it right now but i dont really wanna cry in class, i did before and its not that great, ashley thought i was cryin this mornin but i was just yawnin..and in band (1st hour) we went out and was freezin, but i eventually got so warm i was sweating..go figure..and my nose was the only thing that was cold, and i ended up takin my gloves off cuz they were makin me play wrong notes and u could really hear em..and i had to stand by the clarinets..cuz the flutes got split up, desiree is in her own row :( well actually theres 2 people in her row..but shes the left guide and andrea is the right guide...that reminds me lastnight, we were goin by walmart and the lil people that ring the bells..for that one place, the army place..yea, well it was andrea and alicia lastnight, and i was like hey its andrea and alicia! and i didnt realize it then but thats 2 of my cousin's my parents were like where?! but i was like, no..friends from school..they're both seniors..then we got into 2nd hour..and we were suppose to be takin notes, but i didnt..i didnt have a pencil >.< i lefted it at home, and so i just did chemistry in there, cuz i forgot to do it lastnight..and amazingly enough, i get how to do it..yay..but daddy scared me after 2nd hour, cuz i was walkin and i heard someone that sounded JUST like my daddy and i was like o.o and it sounded like they were talkin to me, so i turned around and it was him to my surprise..cuz he was suppose to be at wrms today..but they told him the wrong school, and hes gonna be subbin odell tomorrow ..yay we just got cake and icecream ^_^ yummyful..i love chris' classes..they're so fun ^_^..its kinda weird..everyone in here calls him mr moore but me..cuz im a good kid like that..but yea..kris is gonna go talk to manda..cuz thats what im good at doin..that an quoting the tv :-p but im outty............later

Posted by Kris at 1:21 PM CST
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Now Playing: Nick Lachey - This I Swear
i cant find my stereo remote :( it disappeared..i think my bed ate ate my razor blade..actually no i just hid it there so my parents wouldnt find when they go to pull out the bed below mine they'll be like whats this???? either way..i can put it back in my other hiding spot, u gotta have a key to get into that one :-p..oh looky what i stereo remote..dont i feel stupid, it was like 3 inches from my left hand *rolls eyes* go figure..*yawn* this song makes me back is hurtin so bad, i need vickie to give me a masage, but last time i asked her she wouldnt..idk why :(..oh well..i have my moms lil skwish pillow that massages on when i talk my voice makes me giggle..i was havin fun with my grandma and grandpa's massaging chair when i was last out there..i was on the phone with cutie (when am i not) and i had it set on just to do my back, lower back and shoulders..and i eventually fell asleep in it..but i wasnt on the phone with cutie then, that was like right before she called, cuz i had gotten up to look at their dvds and my phone rang..i was like o.o..haha angel (their doggy)..when she runs, her ears look like they're gonna make her fly..shes a weenie shes got these huge ass ears..shes so adorable, and pretty too..she has a light brown nose..its so cute, i love to play with it lol..yes, i have a thing about animals noses..they're so cute, specially pink ones.."ill do my oral exercises right between ya thighs.." ^_^ ankle is itching..maybe cuz im a stupid head..or thats what sam would call me if she found out about it..she said shed beat me up next time too..oops :( i sorry..SEXUAL HEALING! i love this song..i listen to it way too is sams birthday! not sam w but sam m! shes gonna finally be 16 ^_^ shes so adorable..i got her a bear..she should like it..shes like me, she doesnt have a certain style she likes, shes girlie but not too girlie..and she likes black..and stuff like i didnt know what to get her, cuz yea..either way, i ended up gettin her a black and brown bear..its adorable, just like her :-p oh yea, sam w gave me a hug after school today ^_^ thats become a daily routine with she dyed her hair, i love it..its strawberry blonde, shes a natural bleach blonde but strawberry blonde looks really good on her..this bag of candy next to me is so tempting..its amazing ive had it for almost a week and its not even half gone..probably cuz i dont really eat sweets, only when im upset or angry..and sometimes bored..but anyway..desiree was suppose to go see her step dad tonight..she better come to school tomorrow lol..last time she went to see him, she didnt come the next day, she left me with the freaks at lunch :( but she was sick, so i let it slip ;) jp..i wouldnt hold that against her, i just went out in the hall and sat on my own..omg today it was SO cold..oh yea i think i covered that in my other post o.o *cough cough* i think im gonna go watch somethin on tv..dude SHLEE SIMPSON IS GOIN ON TOUR!!!!!!!! SHES GONNA BE IN KC ON MARCH 7!!! IM DEFINATELY GOIN..AND CUTIE SHE'LL BE IN AUSTIN FEB 4 OR 7! I DONT REMMBER WHICH, BUT GO TO AND CHECK IT OUT! :-p
*****i put it in caps cuz thats REALLY exciting*****

Posted by Kris at 8:09 PM CST
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