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Latest News:

September 4, 2005:
New web design for my page. School starts in just over twenty-four hours. Waiting for more info.



- Caedes
- Craftster
- DeviantART

- Crave

- TV

- Scicentral

- LiveJournal

Version: 1.1
(September 4, 2005)


Updating old web space. Still looking for a better host to upload pics for storage and access. Gearing up for the back to school mad rushing influx of work. Hopefully I'll remember to keep updating. Cheers.

This year I want to go to San Francisco, Denmark, Hawaii...

This layout also has a print stylesheet, that you can customize in any way you want to. Per default, navigation menus and images are removed, and only the main content text is printed. Look here for an example of how the print layout looks, or print this page to see it in reality.

The menubar

The main navigation menu is an unsorted list, where each list item has been styled to be a button. There are lots of ways to style lists for navigation, but I've kept things simple for this layout. Adding "that little extra" is up to you!

If you like this layout and would like to use it in any way, you are free to do so. This is an open source web design, and all I ask for is that you leave the "Design by Andreas Viklund" link in the footer of the site. If you would like to remove that line, or if you would like professional help with anything related to this layout (such as custom design, branding, scripting or programming), please contact me through or through my website for more information.

Good luck with your new website!