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Someone I Just Need to Mention

Secrets from the Jungle      So, you've stumbled in and bumped your head and now you're wondering how you got here. Well frankly, I don't quite know. This is a page dedicated (secretly) to someone that I love and value deeply. It's kind of my soft side, but *shrug* I guess you have to show it sometimes...right? Alright, so by now you're probably wondering WHO and WHAT and possibly WHEN I'm going to show pictures and such...SO..I guess I'll start out right away.

Joanie Holland

     Joan Margaret Holland is her full legal name. Joanie is absolutely wonderful. She lives in Brooklyn, New York and a Jewish neighborhood that she doesn't particularly like. She goes to Kingsborough Community College right now, but hopes to leave it and go to John Jay School of Law. Right now she technically holds two jobs, but doesn't go to the job at Madison Square Garden because they don't need her. She works at Stop and Save...or Shop and Save...or something like that. She doesn't really like it there anyways. Joanie is about 5'4" and has long brown hair that she recently dyed a slight copper.

We met about two years ago through a text-based rpg called Realm of Magic. We were really just aquaintences until our mutual friend gave her my screenname or gave me hers, I can't remember anymore. We then spoke through the game and on AIM. We then took our solely friend relationship to webcameras and phone talking. During this time I was actually singing to a girl (whom I had never met) over the phone! I know *blush*. Anyway, we then decided to meet each other. So in the last week of June in 2003, I hopped on a plane and spent a week in her apartment.

We then were weird after that July. We didn't know how our friendship was, but it certainly more than just a friendship. We then decided that we really did love each other. We both fell hard for each other. Then in December of 2003 she came and stayed with me for a week. We spent christmas together (which was divine). At the end of the week she loved it so much, she stayed another week!

We've been talking on the phone constantly, actually every night we can. I went back for my spring break this year (2004). It was awesome. I love Times Square! :) Right now we're counting down the days until she's done with school so she can come visit me in June. Then again in July or August I'll go back to visit her some more. Really I've fallen for this girl, and pretty damn hard. I love her with all of my heart and soul. I would be crushed into a million pieces if anything were to end, so I just thank whomever made this divine relationship and pray it never ends.

So yeah. That is a quick glance at someone whom I greatly care for. She is in a sentence: my one and only true light that brightens my day and keeps me happy inside.

Things I love about girls


English Assignment #1
English Assignment #2
English Assignment #3
