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Caused by the death of the high priestess and honored empress Victoria, many new worlds were created. Second to orbit the father sun is the tranquil and loving planet of Atnas Naber. Atnas Naber falls before Driantis and after Drocarnach. Upon Atnas’s surface thousands of things can be found. Water covers almost the entire surface with the exception of the continents of Noynac, Kerep and Urad. Five large groups of islands sprinkle the ocean. To the north and south, ice caps freeze and melt each season.

Upon the main lands and islands lots of different things are found. Mountains line horizons holding back evil storm spirits that threaten the land. Beyond the mountains, pearl white beaches touch the sea. Somewhere in the mist, flowers bloom on the plateau. All around the valley tall trees grow and both large and small plants also. The planet grows and dies with the changing of the seasons. The planet never seems to truly give up its struggle on the cycle of life.

Animals call this planet home. Millions of animals roam the land ranging from the smallest ant to the largest whale. Every day they start their cycle of life by eating and caring for each other. To sit and watch them as the live is a mysterious and intriguing thing to experience. Even in the sky thousands upon thousands of birds fly and sing. But with all these animals that show themselves to the world, it is still truly unknown how many animals truly inhabit the land.

The people of Atnas Naber consist mostly of humans although there are others. Most of the humans live on the continent of Romarna. On Romarna, the capitol is the city known as Noynac. Noynac is always full of women cooking and men working. Even the children have their fair share of duties to accomplish throughout the day. On weeknights the humans all rest but every Saturday a late night celebration occurs which normally exceeds the next day’s morning light. On the continent of Kerep, things are different. This is the land inhabited by the elves. It is unknown the population of the different elves although when you travel here you will find more forest elves than any other only because they like to let themselves be known.

Between the two large continents is a smaller continent named Urad. Urad houses the Tanris royalty. A large castle was build there to honor the high priestess and her children and her children’s children and so forth. No one truly knew any of these people when they started construction on the castle and some humans claim that they did not know why at all they were building the castle. But it has been done and now is occupied by those who lead the world.

AOL group for Tanris