Welcome To Anime Lover's Fan Fics

The Fan Fiction Begins Here More Stories To Come

Lost Goddess
A story of mine - This story was written by a friend please read it.
Prologue - This story is written by a new author to the site,enjoy!

10/4 Ok....I'm trying to fix-up the site some so things might not work for a while but the stories should work just fine and if they don't please let me know so I can fix them quickly,but I do hope to have things set-up and running without any broken links.Well gotta go or nothing will ever get done,later.

9/24 I have news!SiR HuNtEr Of NiGhT has finished the first part to his story so go on and enjoy people!

9/18 Sorry I know it's been almost three weeks but there's not much happening on the site,but this is just to let the only three people who let me know what they thought of Lost Goddesss know that I'm taking it down.Don't worry though i'm gonna post the fourth chapter some time this week,but it will only be up for a short time then it'll all be taken down.And for those of you that are wondering original stories are welcome here too,I won't tell you no.Well I guess that's all for now,sorry if this took too long.Bye for now.

8/26 There's a new author on the site!SiR HuNtEr Of NiGhT,any and all feed back on his and any other story on this site is welcomed so feel free to e-mail away!

8/21 I have posted a story by a new author,please read it and let him know what you thought.Use the e-mail addy at the bottom of the page and I'll be glad to forward all messages to him.8/7 YAY! I'm so happy I got it up and running so go on and have a look.

By the way Lost Goddess is my story,it's my first and I would like to hear if anyone liked it.So e-mail me,my e-mail addy is at the bottom of the page,and Thank You Angel Eyes for waiting so long for chapter 2.

8/7 Ok people I'm currently adding the page for fan fiction with a story that has two chapters to it already done.I hope to have it up some time today.hopefully I can do this, so cross your fingers and hope that I don't mess up.

Ok this site is dedicated to the anime lover in all of us.The Above is a banner from the site where I adopted Vincent.^.^ Please go and visit it too,it's a wonderful site.Ok now about this site.

Here you'll find pics and info on some anime,and stories made up by fans based on their favorite animes.If there are any animes that you would like to see here just send yout request to me Phoenix In Exile at Phoenix_In_Exile@hotmail.com or to Angel Eyes at LivingDeadGirl39457@hotmail.com And we'll do your best to find them for you.

Please have some patience with us this is a work in progress.I also hope to have a few stories up soon,if you have any that you would like to have hosted here e-mail them to me(Phoenix In Exile) and I'll post them as soon as possible and if you would like to get feed back from the reader then please include your e-mail address.They can be about anything from anime to comics so have fun and let your imginations run wild.

And befor I go please visit this site and adopt like I did.http://vincent.dreamhost.com

And here he is.

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Email: Phoenix_In_Exile@hotmail.com