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((last updated:4.28.03)) People talk to much, but say so little.
homepics - interest - favs - links


This is my home on the web right now, not much here to see unless you just want to read a whole page about myself. Which I doubt you have time to do unless your just interested. And if you are interested let's hope your a female :) . Anyways just look around and if you see something you like DON"T TAKE IT. At least ask :). well before you leave remeber to sign my guestbook, becuase if you don't you just just wasted minutes of your life away.

Some Quick Info on me.

  • Name - Paul M.
  • Loc - Dallas TX
  • Edu - Skyline Highschool
  • Sex - Male
  • Age - 16

pics - just pics of me and a couple of my friends. But they don't know I'm posting it though :).
interest - Hobbies and interest of mine. Probably the shortes page on the site.
favs - A list of my top 5 things ranging from movies, music and so on.
links - Links of websites I visit constantly.

Construction of my home page is done. I'm working on my other pages right now and fixing any other broken links on the page.