Just another personal web page.




The Junk Drawer

Beware spelling/grammar errors and asking "wtf is she saying?"
March 6, 2008
Yup - pretty much forgot about this account. Nothing really to say other than never talk about your political views to group of people you barely know. Someone always gets bent out of shape.

May 3, 2007
Took a quiz. See my result in the quiz link. :)

April 25, 2007
So... it was pretty much a crap of a day. You know the usual - work sucked, class was boring. I just wanted to come home and read up on the fan fiction stories that may or may not be updated but the gods were like you read to much porn so all my bookmarks under "media" (my code for fan fiction) are gone. Yup... this weekend means endless hours trying to remember what I was reading and looking up links. The good maybe I will find some new good stories.
April 19, 2007
Yeah... like I'm back. Had a rough couple of months.... but isn't that life. Good/bad/ugly. Just have to work through it. Updated fan fiction - realizes that when I divide the stories, I really don't have to much to recommend. Maybe when I'm over my low points, I'll go through my bookmarks and add more links.
August 23, 2006
Did some updating and added sites.
I would like to make an apology to the sells lady who I hang up on today. I understand it is not your fault that you cannot hear me say no three times to your special offer. I understand that you were telling me, your company cares and was listening to my needs, as I told you I was not interest in a warranty that cost half the price of the product that I only plan to use for a year and already came with a manufactures’ warranty. Sorry again for hanging up on you, just so you know I will hang up again but I will try to make an effort to feel bad for a good 5 minutes instead of my usual 3, if I feel bad at all.
May 09, 2006
You ever feel like the biggest dumb shit in the world. Yeah that was me tonight, I said something that I should not have to someone who is overall a really nice wholesome type guy and now I'm all worried that I offended his sensibilities. I wouldn't worry as much if I didn't have to work with the guy in class, now it's going to be all awkward. Need to learn to think before speaking. I feel bad, sad, and embarrassed.Ugh.
April 15, 2006
Updated - added new links.
March 12, 2006
Okay changed background added css. Still working on it.
March 03, 2006
I'm working on the site. Still unable to decide what I want to do.
February 2, 2006
Okay - will update recs, maybe change layout this weekend. oh, check links to make sure they are working.
November 16, 2005
Okay its November, so why is it like 90 degrees out when it should be in the 60's. Work related rant. Dumb ass people - Black ink means black ink not pencil or light blue or green. The numbers 3, 7, and 8 should look like numbers not symbols. People these are government forms not your personal letters to love ones. Hope you people fail when I submit them. And just because on Monday you called to ask if there is still room for you at a training - don't except there to be room a week later when you finally decide to RSVP. A-holes.
October 21, 2005
I don't get it. Why some of the tags are working here and there but not everywhere. I guess if I actually spent the brain power to look at it correctly it might work. Will try again tomorrow.
October 18, 2005
Added some more recs to fanfiction and music. I also started reading a story that had tons of reviews. I think I can just read the 1st sentence of every paragraph and still not miss anything important. Harry woke up from sleeping all day. He woke up in his bed, because that was where he fell asleep. He looked around. It was dark because it was nighttime. There was only moonlight. He was alone because no one else was in the room. Then he put on his glasses which were on the night table by his bed, yup he was alone. There was no one in the room. It was dark and lonely. - Okay - I get the idea. Just goes to prove the number of reviews doesn't make a story good.
October 09, 2005
So today I spent some time checking out my account with Lycos and I noticed my date of birth is incorrect. Now according to Lycos, I was born in the sixties.
October 01, 2005
Gave my cat some beer today. I don't think she enjoyed it much. She didn't ask for more.
September 11, 2005
I'm missing with the script and design of this page, so you might (okay most likely) find errors of one sort or another. I'm really taking my time on this. I'm also going through my bookmarks and going to link some more sites.
August 12, 2005
Added some more links. Nothing to write. I'm just waiting for winter. I hope it rains.
July 22, 2005
One new story added to fanfiction. More junk in the drawer. Man - it's been really hot where I live. I get a headache just driving to and from work. Can not wait till fall/winter, get some nice cool weather. Halloween will be here in 3 months. :)
July 17, 2005
Finished reading HBP- going to think about the plots within plots. Updated fanfiction.

July 7, 2005
Wow not a good day. I was feeling numb after what happened in London, it brings back memories from 9-11 which was one of the worst days of my life. I know I am stupid in my thinking that everything would be peaceful in my lifetime. With every war and acts of violence no matter how large or small, I just wonder why we haven't progress beyond this?
During the London news coverage, they had to cover the effects of this event on the stock market - ugh - wtf. I am becoming more cynical; chalk it up to life experiences - direct and indirect. Going to put on my optimistic face and deal with my life. I will look for the good in world - it's out there.

June 9, 2005
Screaming- throwing a major fit-stupid foxfire,lost all bookmarks -should have saved them. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate life,pity me.looks at the empty echoing halls that use to my bookmarks;hangs head, slope shoulders, hands to face prepares to ripe hair out. Rant over. Life still sucks.
June 4, 2005
Okay - added "The Junk Drawer". Added to fiction. Still dislike work but now I'm the assistant to the "Corporate Director", just f*cking means more work for me - how about the big raise to go with that! Only reason I stay because I get away with so much. Okay - life is about balance, I shouldn't complain.

April 10, 2005
Due to the climate getting warmer and a renewed interest in running - I got a haircut. The lady at the salon looked upset as she took a good 6 inches off. She asked me if I was going to be okay and did I want to take the cut off ponytail home. How funny is that, I'm guessing a lot of people cut their long hair off and regret it. I don't think I will - long hair is a pain in the ass to take care of. Updated fan fiction – not a story but a site. GAFF (Godawful Fan Fiction). Also there is a new rating system on Fanfiction.Net.
March 13, 2005
Looky it's March. Added links to fanfiction and music. Most likely will not be updating for a few months.
February 21, 2005
Hmmmm. I think I suffer from a phobia. I can't go a day without access to the internet. Is there a word/phobia for that? I feel like something is wrong - very wrong. Need new computer NOW - although the one I have now works okay but it tends to go crazy. Psycho computer. Maybe it's thinks itself as "Christine". Love me one minute tries to kill me the next.
February 16, 2005
Wow- this month is going by fast. Read some new fanfiction, some people have really good ideas for stories but the telling part is lacking. I'm not really complaining to much, at least they have the guts to try. Updated music, added shopping.
January 28, 2005
Hooray! It's Friday. What a fucked up week. My week was full of making stupid little mistakes. It was bad especially at work. Little stupid typos, wrong capitalization, etc.. Oh well. Okay - updated the fanfiction and music. Enjoy maybe?
January 19, 2005
Ah, crap. I did something stupid and had to redo this page. What a dumbass (smacks self on forehead). Thank whoever I just started making this page last month so there really wasn’t much on it except a month full of wit (sigh - I don't think I will ever be as witty as I was last month).

If for some reason I need to be contacted aliceintheundertow@yahoo