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"as a matter of fact, the world -does- revolve around me..."

This is me. Well, at least, this is my face. i would guess you bothered to click this link because you're slightly interested about me. Well... it's your lucky day. i took the time to scribble some smack down for you to know. WOOT!

DOB: 2/28/1980
place: Edina, Minnesota USA
astrological sign: pisces
parents: Peter and Linda (divorced) - Roberta (step-mother)
marital status: very single (and very picky)
children: none
current residence: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
height: 5'11" (give or take a 1/2 inch)
weight: too much
eye color: grey
hair color: dark strawberry blonde
body art: two facial piercings and two tattoos
thing people hate most about me: i don't give a shit
thing people love most about me: i don't give a shit
thing i hate most about myself: sometimes it's hard to say no
thing i love most about myself: most of the time it's not :)
best movie ever: Donnie Darko
not best movie ever: any "ernest (does some shit)" movie
best book: Confessions of a Shopaholic
best live act: Tool
best cd: Come Away with Me
best PC program: Paint Shop Pro
best football team: Vikings! (and whoever is beating Green Bay)
if i could be anything in the universe, i would be: something with wings
something more realistic: a famous artist
if i could set the record straight, what would i like to clear up: i did not beat up a gimp

if there was one rumor i could have spread about me it would be:
i'm not really insane :P

if i could cure one disease, i'd pick: stupidity
i dream of collecting: classic cars
i love the smell of: Cool Water Cologne
deserted island, three things: a kettle, a brand new BIC lighter, and a blanket

never underestimate: the power of bullshit
people in glass houses: need to move into a different house

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.
ICQ: 279234409
yahoo: accidental_drama_queen
(please note: emails sent to this account may not be replied to - the people i want to have my email address KNOW the one that i actually check.)

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Some other places on the net you should go:

(if a dumbass "angelfire lycos" pop up page appears, just close it and you should be redirected to the link you chose - sorry but... free websites suck like this.)

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Darn, that's the end.